The Obama Truth Squad
7000+ Democrat Lawyers Ready

A legion of lawyers, attempts to strong-arm TV stations and opponents running accurate--though unpleasant--advertisements and mobilizing Missouri prosecutors and sheriffs to intimidate opponents: all disturbing pages from the Obama campaign playbook.
A few disturbing notes about the 'Progressive' candidate, Barack Obama and his campaign's methods.
* Obama Campaign tries to Strong-Arm TV Stations over Accurate Ads
The American Issues Project has been running an ad asking a reasonable question: "How Much do you know about Barack Obama?" Everything but the question is sourced--in the ad itself.
Yet, Barack Obama's campaign has mobilized Democrat sheriffs and prosecutors in the state of Missouri--including the St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCullough and City of St. Louis Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce--to try and shut down the advertisement through intimidation.
Missouri Democrat sheriffs and prosecutors are planning to file charges against anyone they feel makes a false statement against Obama during the campaign.
Who's next? There is nothing in the above video that hasn't been covered by political blogs and websites, including DBKP.
* Obama, Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers: The ‘Tangential’ Bill Ayers
* Obama’s Ties to 1970’s Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers: Disassociation and Little Condemnation

"I wish someone would ask [Obama] just once: "Then tell me, would it be ok for a child who was eight years old on 9/11--to then have a friendship with Osama bin Laden later in life as an adult"?
--comment at Free Republic on Obama's friendship with Bill Ayers
Of course, any discussion of Barack Obama and Bill Ayers in the Big Media predictably runs along the lines of the apologetic--if at all.
American Issues Project released this statement:
Barack Obama is now using local law enforcement officials to carry out his campaign of legal intimidation by assembling a group of high-ranking Missouri police officials and prosecutors - including St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCullough and City of St. Louis Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce - to identify and target anyone the campaign determines is producing “misleading” political advertisements.
“This is an outrageous and shocking attempt by the Obama campaign to again employ Stalinist, police state tactics against those who dare to disagree with Barack Obama,” said Ed Martin, American Issues Projects president. “I am frankly stunned to see public officials like McCullough and Joyce abusing their official prosecutorial positions to serve as attack dogs for a national political campaign. I am quite certain Missourians elected these individuals to enforce the laws and arrest criminals, not to throw people in jail for daring to practicing free speech.
“The Obama campaign continues to provide a chilling preview of what would happen to political freedom in an Obama administration.”
This new effort is only the most recent attempt by the Obama campaign to crack down on free speech. Obama’s lawyers twice demanded the Department of Justice investigate and prosecute the American Issues Project, its officers, board of directors, and donors. The campaign also threatened stations running American Issues Project’s ad in an unsuccessful attempt to compel them to pull the spot, and ran its own ad in response.
Michelle Malkin wrote about Obama's In Your Face tactics and how Team Obama Chicago-fies its tactics:
*Stepping up sleazy ads. The latest one twisted the words of radio talk giant Rush Limbaugh in a laughable attempt to paint John McCain as an immigration hardliner and stir fear among Hispanic voters;*Doubling down on the race card. Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius shamelessly baited supporters with this line: “Have any of you noticed that Barack Obama is part African-American? (Republicans) are not going to go lightly into the darkness;”
*And suppressing dissent. Rebuffed by the Justice Department in their efforts to prosecute conservatives for running ads critical of Obama’s ties to Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers, the campaign is using an army of supporters to mob radio and television stations daring to air investigations of the relationship. The foot soldiers receive their marching orders through “Obama Action Wires” and bombard critics with disruptive phone calls.
Meanwhile, the Left’s Sarah Palin hatred has been encouraged by the in-your-face comments of Michelle Obama, who derided the Alaska governor’s intellect (”What you learn about Barack from his choice is that he’s not afraid of smart people”) and looks (don’t cast a vote because “she’s cute”) on the campaign trail.
There's more, such as the Obama campaign "fact-checking" an NRA ad using the Washington Post--the same Washington Post that 'debunked' its own story about former Fannie Mae CEO Franklin Raines taking "questions on housing policy" from Obama.
* Voters Vote, Lawyers Decide
"And in this extremely close race for the White House, there are at least 7,000 volunteer lawyers ready to deploy to key states, armed with injunctions covering issues great and small. And that's just the Democrats."
--It's Near the Campaign's End -- Send in the Lawyers
More than 30 election suits are pending in states including Ohio, Georgia, Texas and Florida, according to the Moritz College of Law at Ohio State University. Dozens more have been settled or dismissed.
Obama general counsel Bob Bauer sent a mass e-mailing last month to supporters, seeking volunteer attorneys and law students. "We can't afford to let our guard down. The stakes could not be higher. This election has to be different," he wrote.The Obama Voter Protection Program is working closely with the Democratic Party, which earlier said it's spent three years amassing some 7,000 lawyers. Early last month, attorneys began deploying. Like the McCain campaign, the Democrats promise to have legal counsel in all 50 states.
* Ohio Braces for Legal Onslaught
Ohio election officials are so concerned, they called a meeting to try and head off the expected legal deluge.
State officials are so concerned about the outlook for a blizzard of lawsuits is that they met last month with what the AP referred to as "more than 75 legal experts" to discuss the matter. Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner and Attorney General Nancy Rogers attempted to convince those at the meeting not to file lawsuits that would hamper, rather than help, the election process.
And for Democrats, it will not be possible this year to claim, as was the case in 2004, that the secretary of state is manipulating an election against them. In 2004, that post was held by a Republican. This year it is occupied by Brunner, a Democrat.
As Dick the Butcher said in Shakespeare's Henry VI:
"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers."
Written approximately 420 years ago, it's a thought which has crossed the mind of more than one person since.
by Mondo
hat tip: Weather Outpost 12
Source: Obama’s Anti-Free Speech Gestapo Unleashed in Missouri

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