Obama and Meeting Ahmadinejad without Pre-Conditions
Negotiating with Madmen 101
Can anyone say "Munich"?

Barack Obama wants to negotiate with Iranian nutjob, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad--without pre-conditions. Obama tried to muddy the waters on the subject during the first presidential debate, saying that John McCain "mischaracterized" his position.
But, it's right there on barrackobama.com:
“Obama supports tough, direct presidential diplomacy with Iran without preconditions.”
Never mind that the Europeans have been talking to Ahmadinejad for years--predictably, with no results. Obama thinks that, like George Bush, he has the ability to look into the souls of the soul-less.
Negotiating with Iran for Dummies
The title of this video is "ZUCKER TAKES ON THE IRAQ STUDY GROUP AND JAMES BAKER", but it might well be "Negotiating with Madmen 101".
David Zucker produced Airplane!, the Naked Gun movies, Scary Movie 3 & 4 and a new movie, An American Carol.
An American Carol pokes fun at the Left--something rare for a Hollywood movie made after 1962--and it's funny, in the humble opinion of everyone here who's seen the trailers.
An American Carol comes out Friday, October 3. The movie's release raises many questions.
Will it be successful?
If it is successful, will Hollywood make more movies making fun of the Left?
Check back Monday, October 6. That's when the weekend's box office results will be in and DBKP will track the movie's performance.
As for Barack Obama and Ahmadinejad?
One would never lose money betting that Obama won't do what's best for Obama--and that includes waltzing with a guy who wants to nuke Israel and America the first chance he gets.
by Mondo

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