Chicago Cubs vs. LA Dodgers
Is this the Year the Cubs go all the way?

Could this be the year the Chicago Cubs go all the way and win the World Series?
Could after all these years of blown seasons , choking in August, goat curses, black cats and everything else, could my Cubs actually do it this year? Is this the year when hell freezes over?
I should admit that I'm not a hard-core sports fan. I can't recite player statistics like ERA's and batting averages. I'm not the type of hard core fan that would name his baby son "Lou Piniella Jr." and his baby daughter "Sheffield".
In fact, even right now, I'd be hard-pressed to name 10 Cubs players.
I'm basically a fair weather Cubs fan. If they had blown it earlier this season I would have stopped watching them months ago. But the Cubs are a bit different to me then the other Chicago sports teams. They are my favorite team. I'm a North-sider.
Until a couple years ago, I had lived most of my life within walking distance of Wrigley Field. I have lived most of my life in a area defined by Irving Park Road to the North. Belmont to the South. Lake Shore Drive to the East , and Broadway to the west. I was watching Cubs games a lot earlier then the games of other Chicago teams. Chicago is a 2 team baseball city. But unlike other cities, there is no real rooting for both. You are either a Cubs Fan or a White Sox fan. I have nothing against the south-siders, but I will openly admit: I'm usually rooting for the White Sox to lose.
Sitting at Wrigley Field watching a game in the summer is...something special. It is a unique and wonderful time. Wrigley is one of the most beautiful stadiums in the entire country . Yes, it is getting old and could use some repair work, but it is truly one of the last neighborhood stadiums in the nation. It is neat to have a beer at the place on the corner behind the bleachers, and enjoy the game day atmosphere.
Given the Cubs history of curses and other bad stuff happening to them, I was reluctant to even write this. I honestly thought that writing something about the possibility of the Cubs winning the World series would jinx them (yeah, we Cubs fans are a weird bunch). So, where do we stand? the Cubs finished the regular season with a impressive 97 wins. In terms of won games,They led the Central Division and the National League pretty much all the season. They have played some great baseball this season.
I can't even imagine the earthquake that would happen in this city if the Cubs managed to win it all. It would be incredible if the Cubs could do i this year. Even though I may be a fair-weather Cubs fan, I'm tired of hearing 'maybe next year'. When I worked on the trading floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange there was a co-worker who was a hard-core White Sox fan. When things were slow, and we were both at the desk, we'd start up the trash-talking of each other's team. It was pretty fun and it kept our co-workers entertained. I'd love to go back down there and rub a Cubs World Series win in his face.

A few years ago, I thought the Cubs were going to do it. They did well in the 2003 season. It was the night of 14 October. At the time, I was living in a high-rise that is blocks away from Wrigley Field. In fact, if you have ever watched a Cubs game, when the home plate TV camera does that beautiful shot of the field from home plate to the scoreboard, my high-rise is visible in the background.
On that night, I had the game on and the West facing living room windows open because I wanted to hear the crowd noise from Wrigley. It was chilly, so I was sitting there on the couch with a sweat shirt on. I thought the game was wrapped up.
And then it happened: Steve Bartman.
I don't blame Steve for the loss. I blame the Cubs for losing it. But can you see why us Cubs fans are wanting this? We have had enough things go wrong over the decades, it would be nice if this year is truly 'The Year'. The last time the Cubs were in the World Series was 1945 and the last time they won it it was 1908. It has been long enough.
I think the best way to finish this is with a couple slogans that are pretty popular around here right now:
Next Year Is Now!
Go Cubs Go!!!!!!!!
by ChicagoDudeWhoTrades
[NOTE: Not to dampen CDWT's enthusiasm, the Cubs were undone by the Dodgers in Game One last night, 7-2. But, one game does not a series make.]
Capitalizing on seven walks by Cubs starter Ryan Dempster, they erupted for a 7-2 victory, hitting three home runs and seizing momentum in baseball's lightning round.
images: myteamprints

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