Culture Watch Vol. 41
Nancy Morgan
November 17, 2008

Obama had to skip his grandmother's funeral - he was too busy settling into the new 'Office of the President-Elect'. Meanwhile, markets continued their downward spiral. The DOW lost almost 14% of its value in the first week following The One's election. Ouch.
The feeding frenzy on Capitol Hill continues as cities, banks, automakers, etc. line up for their piece of the bailout money, courtesy American taxpayers. To date, $290 billion has been pledged, yet no action has been taken to fill the independent oversight posts established by Congress.
First in line for our money appears to be the automakers, even as they continue to spend hundreds of millions on idled workers. GM actually spends $17 million a year on Viagra. Go figure.
Despite a tanking economy, Dems have decided to make investigating the Bush administration one of their first priorities. "We could spend the entire next fours years investigating the Bush years," they stated.

Just in time for Christmas, these ads, asking, "Why Believe In God?", will be plastered on DC buses throughout December. In Massachusetts, a new ad campaign promotes a web-site that will help you cheat on your spouse. Lovely
A lawsuit has been filed against two officers at Camp Lejeune Marine Training Base for banning a civilian worker from publicly condemning Islamic terrorists.
A South Carolina Roman Catholic priest has told his parishioners that they should refrain from taking communion if they voted for Obama.
Over in the UK, the government has decided to pay people to get off their butts. In China, they've decided to view Internet-addiction as a disorder.
In Nebraska, the number of teens dropped off under the state's 'safe-haven law' has almost tripled to three a week since Gov. Heineman announced that lawmakers would rewrite the law to cover only babies. And last, but not least, Thomas Beatie, the 'pregnant man' who gave birth to a daughter earlier this year, has announced that he is pregnant again. For some reason, there's an awful lot of:
From the 'Let Them Eat Cake' files: The Pastor of a Dallas mega-church has urged his parishioners to commit to "seven days of sex."
Meanwhile, an Australian holiday resort announced it will be holding a month-long, nude 'anything goes' party. Good news for these party goers: A new spray has been developed which can make sex last longer. It also helps with premature ejaculation. Come again?
Mexico City has decided to give out Viagra to men 70 and older because sexuality "has a lot to do with quality of life and our happiness." In the UK, a couple was arrested for having public sex on a train.
Also in the UK, a British couple divorced after the husband was caught have a 'virtual affair' with a female character in an online role-playing game.
A 56 year-old grandmother in Ohio gave birth to her own triplet grandchildren. An increasing number of countries are making spreading HIV a crime.
The Dallas Independent School District continues to hand out fake social security numbers to illegal employees, despite being told to stop.
The principal of a small elementary school in Vermont is under fire for blocking kids from saying the pledge of allegiance. He's concerned that it isn't inclusive enough and holds non-participating children up to scorn. Right...
In the UK, a teacher has seen exam pass rates increase by 65% after she suspended a quarter of her students.
A new study has found that the 'self-esteem movement' favored by parents and teachers, may have gone too far. Ya think?

The Pentagon has cleared 'Personal Air Vehicle Technology' which will ultimately lead to a flying car.
Saudi Arabia presided over a two-day UN conference on religious tolerance. The UK is facing a sperm donor shortage after they reversed confidentiality laws.
The UK is also running out of graveyards - they're now doing funerals like they do their buses - double-decker.

RightBias bids farewell to Gus, a one-eyed, three legged winner of the World's Ugliest Dog award. He succumbed after a bout with cancer. RIP
Click here to find out 50 things you didn't know about Obama.
Click here to check out the new Barack Obama Jokes website.
Click here to check out 'The Twenty Five Points Of Hitler's Nazi.

In a historic first, the winner of this week's Top Idiot Award is an animal. In a clear case of statue-tory rape, this moose obviously confused life and art. He got away with this indiscretion after issuing a public apology and agreeing to attend sensitivity training. Personally, I think he got off easy because he was a FOB. (friend of Bill:)
Till next week, keep smiling,
by Nancy Morgan
Culture Watch may be reprinted, with attribution to RightBias.com
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