Chuck Hagel:
Most Known For

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Chuck Hagel Attacks Rush Limbaugh: Senator WHO Retires Gracelessly
at DBKP - Death By 1000 Papercuts.com - DBKP
Chuck Who?
Chuck Hagel celebrated the end of a Washington career by attacking Rush Limbaugh and others in Congress who disagreed with him.
"We are educated by the great entertainers like Rush Limbaugh," Hagel said Tuesday during a speech in Washington, according to the Huffington Post.
"You know, I wish Rush Limbaugh and others like that would run for office," a sarcastic Hagel continued. "They have so much to contribute and so much leadership and they have an answer for everything. And they would be elected overwhelmingly. [The truth is] they try to rip everyone down and make fools of everybody but they don't have any answers."
"The American people don't like what is going on… they want us to start doing what leaders are expected to do, address the problems, find some consensus to governing. Get along. There will be disagreements, sure… but in the end we can't hold ourselves captives to this raw, partisan, political paralysis."
The Wit and Wisdom of Chuck Hagel
Hagel has compiled quite a record during his 12-year tenure in the U.S. Senate.
Hagel was initially elected in 1996 in a stunning upset that might be called "ethically-challenged".
[Hagel] also served as a Chairman and was CEO of American Information Systems Inc. (AIS), a voting machine manufacturer, this same company electronically counted 80% of the votes in the state in the very same election that he had his stunning upset. He did not disclose his position as CEO of the company in his mandated disclosures, until its name-change to Election Systems & Software (ES&S) in 1997. He had ownership interest in ES&S through its parent company The McCarthy Group as of January 29, 2003, when The Hill reported that, due to his ownership interest, “Hagel’s ethics filings pose disclosure issue”.
Hagel has been mentioned--most notably by his staff--as a cabinet possibility in the upcoming Obama administration. Failing that, he may return to lobbying.
Hagel will most be remembered for
Friends of the Senator, who wished to remain off-the-record, did say that "he works and plays well with others".
by Mondo Frazier
image: CNN-Getty
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