Saturday, May 8, 2010

Useful Idiots: Selective Outrage!

The Lamestream Media, Dinosaur Media, Legacy Media, MSM, Moron Media, MFM: whatever you call it, they're mostly Useful Idiots.

Originally posted at DBKP: Useful Idiots: Selective Outrage

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Useful Idiots by James Hudnall and Val Mayerik.

A bit about the creators (taken from their bios at Big Journalism):

James Hudnall is a professional writer and internet developer.

He describes his political philosophy as "para-realism."

James has been blogging since 2002 and has written professionally since 1986. His graphic novels have been translated into seven languages. In addition to Useful Idiots, James produces the strip Obama Nation with cartoonist Batton Lash every Sunday at Big Hollywood.

Hudnall is also a U.S. Air Force Veteran. He currently lives in San Diego, California.

Be sure to check out his blog at

Val was born in Youngstown, Ohio in the 1950s. He started drawing for Marvel Comics in 1972. Some of his more well known works were Howard the Duck and The Savage Sword of Conan. He broke into the comics business with the help of artist Dan Adkins. He also worked at Neal Adam's Continuity Studios.

In the 1990s he moved from comics to computer gaming design and commercial art where he works for an impressive list of clients. Val is also a painter of western art. You can view his work at

Check out, and Big Journalism for more. As always, if readers like what they see, don't be hesitant to let them know.

by Mondo
image: Selective Outrage

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