COMING WATER SHORTAGE: No life without water.
[FROM THE ARCHIVES: October 2007]
The next shortage for the United States that some predict? Oil? Gold? Food? How about water. Those living in parts of many western states already know this as old news, but it’s something new to many parts of the country. Three states: California, Texas and Forida account for over a quarter of all the water used in the U.S. The government projects that as many as 36 states could face water shortages in the next 5 years.
More from the story by Brian Skoloff, at the AP: [The linked article "Many States Seen as Facing Water Shortage" is not longer available.]The AP story reported that "The government projects that at least 36 states will face water shortages within five years because of a combination of rising temperatures, drought, population growth, urban sprawl, waste and excess." Since this article was published in October 2007, that "five years" projected date has come and gone (October 2012).
An epic drought in Georgia threatens the water supply for millions. Florida doesn't have nearly enough water for its expected population boom. The Great Lakes are shrinking. Upstate New York's reservoirs have dropped to record lows. And in the West, the Sierra Nevada snowpack is melting faster each year.
But does the missed deadline mean that the problem of a nationwide water shortage in the USA does not exist?
Read More:
Source: Coming Water Shortage: Drinking Water Vanishing from the Planet

FROM THE ARCHIVES: Taken from articles which originally appeared at
* Death by 1000 Papercuts: The Coming U.S. Water Shortage: Newest Dire Prediction [Oct 27, 2007]
* BNN: The Coming U.S. Water Shortage: Another Dire Prediction [Oct 27, 2007]
* DBKP@Wordpress: The Coming U.S. Water Shortage: Newest Dire Prediction [Oct 27, 2007]
UPDATED with new information on November 28, 2013.
images: Coming Water Shortage: Drinking Water Vanishing from the Planet
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