The above cartoon is by Ted Rall. Mr. Rall is obviously a pragmatic, creative intellectual who reveals what he thinks about the knuckle-draggers (a term usually reserved for conservatives)serving our country. The story from Little Green Footballs "Ted Rall: Only Idiots Die".
Here’s a look into the squirmy, ugly mind of Ted Rall, whose latest cartoon about US troops in Iraq says: “Only idiots signed up; only idiots died. Back home, the average I.Q. soared.”
It's a media conceit these days that people in the press are too smart to join the Armed Forces, too smart to fight for their country, too smart to believe in anything more than whatever it takes to churn out 3rd-rate cartoon strips.
Ted Rall and John Kerry both got drunk one night and probably told each other the same joke about how anyone willing to enlist was an idiot. John Kerry retold that joke; Ted Rall must not have heard it wasn't very funny the first time.
500 years from now, if the US is a intellectual Utopia of creativity and pragmatism is if Ted Rall is unable to get lucky next time he gets drunk.
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