Friday, November 9, 2007

Conan O'Brien's Stalker Priest Blues

Father Forgive My Sins Now Stop Stalking Me!

Celebrities are no strangers to stalkers but Conan O'Brien gets "Most Original Stalker" with the news that a 46 year old Boston priest, Rev. David Ajemia, was arrested for allegedly stalking the late night talk show host, even on a trip O'Brien had made to Italy.

O'BROTHER! Conan O'Brien has been stalked across two continents by a twisted Boston priest, police say, and once got a card from him — postmarked in the same Italian town he had just visited.

November 9, 2007 -- The Boston priest who was busted for stalking Conan O'Brien followed the "Late Night" star all over the country - and even popped up in Italy in search of his obsession, police sources said.

by Little Baby Ginn
[image: lam snott flickr]
Source - - New York Post


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