Tucker Richer by More Than 30 Pieces of Silver
Dog to Appear on Larry King LIVE Tonight
Girlfriend Rejects Apology
Dog the Bounty Hunter Wednesday Update:
$10,000? $15,000? $875,000?
How much. How much did Duane "Dog" Chapman's son, Tucker, who sold the tapes of his father talking to him on a private cellphone, recieve for the tapes? Rumors abound as to the amount.
One source said "as much as $875,000", other estimates were quite lower. The lowest amount whispered about was a mere $10,000. Tucker Chapman's known drug problems could have led him to accept the far lower amount. $15,000 is the amount that was used on one broadcast as the amount in question.
Regardless, Tucker received far more than the Biblical "30 pieces of silver", as several have termed it.
Dog will be on Larry King LIVE tonight to discuss: the tapes, what was behind his anger that sparked the outburst and other topics. Larry King Live is on CNN.
Meanwhile, the girlfriend in question said he rejected Dog's apology.
"I know that all of my fans are deeply disappointed in me, as well, as I have tried to be a model for doing the right thing," he said. "I did not do the right thing this time, and hope you will forgive me."
--Duane "Dog" Chapman
The woman at the center of Duane “Dog the Bounty Hunter” Chapman’s racial tirade, which was broadcast throughout the Web and broadcast outlets all over the country, says she rejects his apology.
Black Girlfriend Rejects Apology
She calls it "pathetic".
Day 7 continues.
by Mondoreb

Dog lands at LAX and is asked "Have you talked to Tucker? Have you guys made up?"
Monday was relatively quiet. A judge dismissed one of the last charges against Duane "Dog" Chapman stemming from his famous Mexico caper with the Max Factor heir. And he landed at LAX with wife Beth and others.
Dog will appear on Larry King LIVE on CNN on Wednesday.
TMZ's take:
Still in the dog house for his liberal use of the N word in a taped phone call with his son Tucker, potty-mouthed "Bounty Hunter" Duane Chapman had little to say on arrival at LAX this morning.
With wife Beth in tow, the gold-chain-wearing ex-con and father of nine (!) revealed only that he has not made up with his young pup -- who allegedly recorded the verbal assault on his girlfriend, Monique Shinnery. Shocker.
by Mondoreb
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