Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Rosie's Return to TV:
MSNBC a Match Made in Heaven

Responding to the news that Rosie O'Donnell may be added to the nightly line-up at MSNBC, a spokeman uttered words sure make Pinocchio proud. Commenting on the network and the four guys who watch it nightly, MSNBC denied any attempt to lure left-thinking viewers.

The Quote Mostly Likely to Cause Nose Growth from New York Times:
“It happened naturally. There isn’t a dogma we’re putting through. There is a ‘Go for it.’”
--” Phil Griffin, a senior vice president of NBC News who is the executive in charge of MSNBC, said Friday, referring specifically to the channel’s tilting to the Left from 7 to 10 p.m.
More breathless reporting on the phenomenon that is MSNBC from the NY Times:
Riding a ratings wave from “Countdown With Keith Olbermann,” a program that takes strong issue with the Bush administration, MSNBC is increasingly seeking to showcase its nighttime lineup as a welcome haven for viewers of a similar mind.

Lest there be any doubt that the cable channel believes there is ratings gold in shows that criticize the administration with the same vigor with which Fox News’s hosts often champion it, two NBC executives acknowledged yesterday that they were talking to Rosie O’Donnell about a prime-time show on MSNBC.

During the nine months she spent on “The View” before departing abruptly last spring, Ms. O’Donnell raised viewership notably. She did so while lamenting the unabated casualties of the Iraq war and advocating the right to gay marriage, among other positions.
Rosie famously is remembered for her scientific knowledge during discussions on whether 9/11 was a conspiracy. "Fire doesn't melt steel" defines O'Donnell's style and substance.

And it looks like she'll soon be back on the airwaves. MSNBC is a perfect match for O'Donnell. She'll be among a like-thinking people. It might be a match made in Haeaven.

No one knows if there is TV in Heaven. Except for media reporters, bloggers and Internet news junkies, she was largely ignored in the morning.

Now she'll soon be ignored nightly on MSNBC.

By Mondoreb


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