The Great DBKP Ron Paul Debate Map
Christmas Day 2007
Where is Ron Paul the strongest in the USA? The weakest?
Which area of the country is MOST anti-Paul?
Since today is Christmas and we just ate--and we're feeling kinda sleepy--we wanted to liven up things a little.
And what better way to wake the place up,then yell, "Hey! Everybody, Ron's Paul's in the House!"?
1. Place the pin on where you're from.
2. Type in a name and a short message about how you feel about Ron Paul.
3. Step back and enjoy the fun!
Some people think Dr. Paul is the Second Coming of Christ, others think he's the Second Coming of Hitler. Some think the Ron Paul R3volution will lead the country back to the Constitution. Still others think it'll lead America to Kooksville.
Ron Paul excites passion like no other candidate I've seen for awhile--on both sides.
In fact, DBKP is one of the few places that is squarely in the Middle. We disagree with a few things the the Libertarian candidate has to say. BUT, we agree solidly on just as many things, including the good doctor's stance on the War on Drugs.
So, how do you feel about Ron Paul?
The map just takes short comments, so you'll have to boil down what you think into short burst. If you want a longer comment, tag it onto the end of this story.
Oh, and do try to be civil...for or against.
It's Christmas Day, after all.

by Mondoreb
Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.
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