Sunday, December 9, 2007

Greek Parrot In Traffic Court

Coco the parrot is headed to court to contest a $650 ticket, his owner says the issue is a matter of "life or death" for the little macaw.
A legal battle is under way in the western Greek city of Patras over a parrot that is facing a $650 (£320; 444 euros) parking ticket.

The local council says his perch is illegally parked and is obstructing drivers because it partially blocks a metered parking space.

Coco the parrot's owner, Lambros Michalopoulos, says the bird will die if it has to move back inside.

Neither side is backing down so now the dispute is going to the courts.
The local bureaucracy claims Coco's tiny perch "obstructs drivers" and blocks a metered parking space. Coco's owner claims it's life or death for the Amazon parrot, that forcing the little gregarious macaw inside would be a death sentence imposed by bumbling bureaucrats.

We cry fowl.

Coco has been part of the local "color" for 18 years. Bureaucracies come and go but enigmatic life of the party parrots are hard to find.

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Source - BBC News - Bigger, Better!.
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