Two statements about the 'Megan Had it Coming' blog were quoted by Fox News. We present both, as well as some questions at the end.
Lori Drew, who signed a police statement in 2006 that she was the instigator of the fictitious Internet boy named "Josh Evans", and was involved in the MySpace hoax in the minutes before Megan Meier's suicide: her attorney, Jim Briscoe's statement:
"I can categorically say that she did not write it," Briscoe told FOXNews.com. "She has not said anything on the Internet, on any blogs, on any Internet sites." Briscoe said that Drew, a neighbor of the Meiers, has purposely remained silent in the media and online during the investigation and since. "That's part of why she's remained silent, so there's no confusion about that," Briscoe said. "Anything that's on the Web is not true. She hasn't done anything. She doesn't know anybody who's done it — anybody who's doing it or has done it." |
And now a statement from Google, parent company of Blogger.com, which hosts the 'Megan Had it Coming'.
Blogger.com, which houses the blog and lists "impersonation" as one of the things banned from the site, said it has no information that would call into question the authenticity of the "Megan Had It Coming" site. "We take violations of Blogger's policy very seriously as such activities diminish the experience for our users," a spokesman for Google, Blogger's parent company, told FOXNews.com. "Once we are notified about a blog that impersonates a person, we act quickly to remove it. We have not received an impersonation claim to date from the individual allegedly being impersonated." |
Questions we'd like to ask:
* Why is the blog still up?
* If it is true, as Mr. Briscoe maintains, that Lori Drew is not the blog's author, why hasn't Ms. Drew shut it down?
* If Lori Drew is not the author of the 'Megan Had it Coming' blog, she can have it shut down in a heartbeat by contacting Blogger. This has not happened.
Blogger.com says, they have "no information that would call into question the authenticity of the "Megan Had It Coming" site."
* Blogger.com has information on who created the blog. What does that tell us?
These are the questions.
We're patient. We'll wait for the answers.
What do you think?
by Mondoreb
Source: MySpace Mom Linked to Missouri Teen Suicide Being Cyber Bullied Herself
Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.
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