A California pro-family organization released their report card for GOP candidates on how well they defended the natural family--a father, a mother, and their children.
The group, Campaign for Children and Families, issued their report card for six Republican contenders and top marks went to Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee, with Governor Mitt Romney scoring the lowest.
The report cards were released the day before today's Iowa Caucuses.
With seven states holding primaries or caucuses this month and the nominees for the Democratic and Republican parties to be decided on Super Tuesday, February 5, it’s high time that conservative voters get the facts on which candidates will defend the natural family –- a father, a mother, and their children.
The release went on the state:
Campaign for Children and Families, a leading West Coast pro-family organization that researches and advocates for the natural family, is pleased to announce the Report Card on the Natural Family to inform voters where the leading Republican presidential candidates stand on protecting the basic family unit.
“While all of the leading Republican candidates claim to embrace family values, let the record show that they’re marching to different drummers on marriage rights, adoption, schoolchildren, and the destructive ‘LGBT’ agenda,” said CCF President Randy Thomasson. “Many pro-family voters will be surprised with the results of this carefully-researched report card. But as always, what a candidate does means much more than what they say. Facts are stubborn things.”
“It’s already apparent that the leading Democratic candidates support nearly all of the homosexual, bisexual, and transsexual agenda,” added Thomasson, a registered independent, whose non-partisan organization will compare candidates from both major parties later this year.
To grade the Report Card on the Natural Family, presidential candidates’ positions were taken from published votes, policies, and public statements and documents. No coordination was done with any candidate or supporting campaign.
For scoring purposes, the greatest weight was given to actual votes, actions and policies, rather than to contemporary statements that differ from past policies or statements or contradict previous actions.
Candidates were graded in eight different area. A "yes" on the issue got the candidate +1 and a "no", -0- points.
The issues and individual scores follow.
Protected marriage and marriage rights for one man and one woman.
Yes: Huckabee
No: Giuliani, Romney
? : Paul, McCain, Thompson
Opposed marriage counterfeits such as domestic partnerships
Yes: Huckabee, Paul
No: Romney, Giuliani
? : McCain, Thompson
Opposed homosexual couples adopting children
Yes: Huckabee, Paul
No : Romney
? : Giuliani, McCain, Thompson
Opposed forcing private business owners to support homosexuality
Yes: Huckabee, Paul, McCain, Thompson
No : Giuliani, Romney
Opposed establishing or expanding pro-homosexuality "hate crime" laws
Yes: Huckabee, Paul, McCain, Thompson
No : Giuliani
? : Romney
Refused to support "Gay Pride Day"
Yes: Huckabee, Paul, McCain, Thompson
No : Giuliani, Romney
Opposed to having homosexuals in the Boy Scouts
Yes: Paul
No : Romney
? : Giuliani, Huckabee, McCain, Thompson
Opposed teaching schoolchildren to support homosexuality
Yes: Giuliani, Huckabee, McCain, Paul
No : Romney
? : Thompson
SCORES: (Out of a possible 8)
Ron Paul-7; Mike Huckabee-7; John McCain-4; Fred Thompson-3; Rudy Giuliani-1; Mitt Romney-0
Campaign for Children and Families does not support or oppose candidates for public office, and provides the following information solely for educational purposes.
McCain and Thompson, in particular, were hurt by having cast no votes on the many of the above issues.
McCain scored "?" on 4 issues and "Yes" on 4, while Thompson scored "?" on 5 issues and "Yes" on the other 3.
by Mondoreb
[image: eifle]
Source: Grading the GOP Candidates on Family Values Claims
Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.
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