Thursday, January 10, 2008

Woman Says Man Raped Her 200 Times Over 13 Month Period

Man Said to be Too Tired to Disagree

The strange story of a Bellefonte, PA woman who was the victim of an unusual crime.

Pennsylvania state police report that a Centre County man sneaked into a woman's house and raped her nearly 200 times over a 13-month period.

Strange circumstances to say the least.

The state police go on to say that the woman was too terrified to call police or to tell her husband about the ongoing rapes.
That has led to more than 1,100 charges including multiple counts of rape, burglary, sexual assault, aggravated indecent assault, criminal trespass and terroristic threats against 29-year-old Roy Chamberlin.

One source said that Chamberlin was too tired to argue the claims.

The man sneaked into the woman's house an average of 3-4 times a week, where they engaged in rape for over a year.


Mr. Chamberlin is already in the Centre County prison awaiting trial on an unrelated count of attempted murder.

We're not saying it couldn't have happened just as the woman told police.

We're just saying that Chamberlin is a world-class sneaker.

Maybe he should have looked into changing criminal careers.

He might have made millions as a cat burglar.

by Mondoreb
[image: galleryone]
Source: Police Say Woman Raped 200 Times in 13 months


Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

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