Thursday, March 20, 2008

Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) is as staunch a conservative as one is likely to find these days. He has a new project: Complete the fence now.

He's introducing a bill and a new website to support completing the fence along the southern border of the USA.

As the Senator tells it:
I think we can all agree that something must be done to address the illegal immigration crisis facing the nation. I strongly believe the first step in this process must be to secure our borders. Last week, I introduced the "Border Fence Completion Deadline Act of 2008". This bill will require the government to complete all 700 miles of previously approved fencing by 2010, and also requires the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to report to Congress by June 2009 on fence construction progress and how it plans to complete the full fence by the 2010 deadline.

Unfortunately, some members of the Senate want to use the fence as leverage for their own radical amnesty agenda. But we can not afford to wait on a distant comprise while our borders go unsecured. We must take action now.

I'm writing you today to announce the launch of a new grassroots website called When you visit the website you will be able to watch a brief video detailing several major reasons we need to build a fence. The website also provides you with a well researched fact sheet concerning the border fence so that you can write a letter to the editor, blog, or tell your friends and family about the reasons we need to complete the fence now.

Immigration reform is a complex policy involving many sensitive issues. The debate on illegal immigration will be won or loss in the hearts and minds of the American people. That's why I need you to help share this information with others. Please take the time to visit , and learn about the border fence and why it is critical to our security and quality of life in our country.

You may want to check out the senator's website, it's a good source of reference links and info on the fence issue.

Can't have enough of that these days.

Not with the Mainstream Media reporting the issue in its typical, biased manner.

by Mondoreb
graphic: RidesAPaleHorse

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