Quotes by
Casey Anthony, Cindy Anthony, George Anthony, Lee Anthony
Leonard Padilla, Kevin Beary, Greta Van Susteren and others
Including Protesters

"What is given, Can be taken away. Everyone lies. Everyone dies."
--Casey Anthony, in a poem, July 7, 2008
Quotes from the media circus that has surrounded the disappearance of three-year-old Caylee Anthony. Caylee's mother, Casey is a "person of interest" in the case. Grandparents, George and Cindy, have had their home staked out by protesters and the drama continues.
Thirty quotes by the persons involved.
"I'm never going to forgive myself."
--Casey Anthony, to detectives about leaving her daughter, Caylee, with baby sitter Zenaida Gonazlez at the Sawgrass Apartments; July 16 2008
I have someone here that I need to have arrested in my home. There's a possible missing child. I have a three-year-old that's been missing for a month.
CINDY ANTHONY: I told you my daughter was missing for a month. I just found her today, but I can't found my granddaughter. She just admitted to me that she's been trying to find her herself.
There's something wrong. I found my daughter's car today, and it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car.
--Cindy Anthony, mother of Casey and grandmother of Caylee Anthony, in a 911 call on July 15 2008; A Closer Look at the Caylee Anthony Disappearance Timeline
"Right now, looking at you, I know that everything that you’ve told me is a lie, including the fact that your child was last seen a month ago and that you don’t know where she is. I’m very confident that you know where she is."
--Unnamed detective questioning Casey Anthony, Newly Released Tapes Reveal Police Accusing Caylee's Mom of Lying Early in Investigation; audio tape, July 16 2008
"I have no clue where she is. If I had any sense of where she was at all, none of this would have happened."
--Casey Anthony, interview with detectives, July 16 2008
"Because I don't (expletive) know where she's at. You are kidding me?"
--Casey Anthony, to mother, Cindy in a jailhouse call, Complete Text Of Casey Anthony's Jailhouse Phone Call; July 25 2008
"Because nobody is (expletive) listening to anything that I'm saying. The media misconstrued everything that I said. The (expletive) detectives pulled (expletive) (expletive). They got all of their information from me but at the same time they are twisting stuff. They already said they are going to pin this on me if they don't find Caylee. They've already said that. They arrested me because they said..."
--Casey Anthony, to friend, Kristina Chester, in a jailhouse call, July 25, 2008

"Nobody in my own family is on my side."
--Casey Anthony, to friend, Kristina, in a jailhouse call, July 25, 2008
"She has been kidnapped by a person the local authorities said doesn't exist. There are nine people with that name in Orlando, Florida. There are four people with that name in Winter Haven, Florida and there are people with that name in Miami and four people with that name in New York City and three in the Bronx. So come on folks, someone needs to start listening to my daughter and if it is not the local authorities, will the FBI please get involved in this case and come and interview my daughter like she has been requesting?"
--Cindy Anthony, CBS The Early Show, July 26 2008
--Casey Anthony, in a jailhouse call to brother, Lee, Lee Anthony's Jailhouse Call With Casey; released July 28 2008
"So, I mean, that's still my, my best feeling at the moment. Again, if that changes, obviously I'm going to reach out and say something immediately, but I know Mom will understand this better than anyone that there's that type of bond that you have with your kids.
I did one time [speak with daughter, Caylee], yes, and that was actually the day that Mom had called the police[July 15]."
"Um, I most definitely did [speak with the babysitter, Zenaidia Fernandez Gonzalez]. God, a lot of the times, it was through text messages, so the number would show up even on that. She has also called me from a 407 number, from a 321 number -- there's been different numbers, different times. Not necessarily on different days, but it just depended on the number that she had at the time. The last number that she had called me from that wasn't, uh, the private listing, or that didn't show up "private cell" or "private call," was 954."
--Casey Anthony, in a jailhouse call to brother, Lee, Lee Anthony's Jailhouse Call With Casey; released July 28 2008
"The strain of the current situation will wear on those around her and pressure her [Casey Anthony] to explain her behavior. Because she cannot explain her lies, she will blame everyone else. She will want to flee. She may even reach for religion as a means to cope, and depression is likely to follow. Then police will be able to talk with her to find out what she really knows. Detectives will be able to get information from her. The key for officers is to know her patterns and approach her the right way. If they key in on her personality, they will be able to get her to tell what really happened."--Criminal profiler, Dr. Deborah Schurman-Kauflin, President of the Violent Crimes Institute, LLC, in an interview with the Criminal Report Daily; August 3 2008
"On June 24, Casey was back at her parents' house, and her father wanted to get something out of the trunk of her car that he was going to use to do some work on another car.
According to George, the father of Casey, Casey showed some resistance to having him go into the trunk of her car. He was rather persistent and finally was able to open the trunk of her car.
And lo and behold, what does he find in the trunk of her car? He finds some gas cans, some gas cans that he had previously reported stolen from the shed in the backyard. Now, he had no idea that Casey had taken the gas cans, and he was surprised to find the gas cans in the back of her car."
--Greta Van Susteren, A Closer Look at the Caylee Anthony Disappearance Timeline; August 11 2008
--Cindy Anthony, Aug. 11 interview
"All right, here's what happened. 3:00 or 4:00 in the afternoon, brings the car home, pizza smell in the back trunk. No evidence of Caylee, no evidence of Casey.
I didn't have any issues, did I? What time did I make the 911 call? Ok? I found a pair of pants in the back seat. And, by the way, the two pair of shoes were left in the back seat.
I took the pants out, threw them in the wash with other wash that I had that day, not knowing that that might become evidence.
And that night when the police arrived at my house, the first thing I said "I took a pair of pants out of the car and I washed them." Do you think that they cared? No, they didn't care."
"Shut Up! Leave us alone!"
--George Anthony, to unnamed reporter, as he was visiting the jail where daughter, Casey Anthony was held, Grandfather of Caylee Anthony has words with Reporter; August 14 2008
"I think what she was trying to do was break away from her parents' home. She's not concerned. You've seen her. Her demeanor is that of a parent who knows her child is safe."--Sacramento bounty hunter, Leonard Padilla, August 25 2008 Caylee Anthony Mom Casey Arrested Again? Source: "Any Moment"
"I think something accidentally happened … Casey freaked out. I don't know how she solved that problem. But then created this story in her head."
--Amy Huizinga, friend of Casey Anthony, in court documents released August 28 2008.

"FBI lab tests "along with additional evidence that has not been made public, leads investigators to the belief there is a strong probability that Caylee [Anthony] is deceased."--Orange Co (FL) Sheriff's Department statement, September 1 2008
"We clearly have evidence that indicates there was a dead body in the trunk of Casey [Anthony's] car, and that body was Caylee [Anthony]."
--Orange County Sheriff's Sgt. John Allen, September 2 2008
"We need to try to find some closure on this case. Regardless, whether she's alive or passed away, we need to find Caylee."--Orange County Sheriff, Kevin Beary; September 4 2008
"Are you really smiling? Your granddaughter's dead."
--protester, to Cindy Anthony, outside the Anthony's home, Protester/Victim of Casey Anthony's Dad - Part 2; September 7 2008
"Tell the truth. Tell the truth."
--Unidentified protester outside the Anthony's home, September 8 2008
"Hold the sermon."
--Grace, in response to George and Cindy Anthony's attorney, Mark Nejame's call to end the media circus, How did Mark NeJame do on Nancy Grace's show?; September 10 2008
"Look for her [Casey Anthony] to turn to religion and either attempt to or speak of fleeing. When she gets to that point, she is most likely to talk about what really happened."--Criminal profiler, Dr. Deborah Schurman-Kauflin, President of the Violent Crimes Institute, LLC, in an interview with the Criminal Report Daily; September 11 2008
"We are holding on to that little bit of hope that Caylee is still alive. But if not, it's important that her little body is found."
--Tim Miller, EquuSearch, Casey Anthony to leave jail again; September 12 2008
"It is evident his [Tim Miller's] motives were to obtain publicity for his organization [EquuSearch] at the expense of exploiting my granddaughters disappearance. Although I feel his organization has a purpose, his misrepresentation has tainted the efforts of so many people with good intentions. I would have expected Tim Miller to speak with me one on one, rather than me hearing him on Nancy Grace."--Cindy Anthony, in a release sent by family representative Larry Garrison; September 12 2008
"I wouldn't let my dog go missing for 1 month without looking!"
--Reported sign of protester, Liz Pounders, outside George and Cindy Anthony's house, Recordings of Casey Anthony interviews released; September 12 2008
"This is insane. This is [expletive] insane."
--Cindy Anthony in response to protesters in front of her home
"You can't come out of the house. You're a joke."
--Protester David Marzullo, 27, of Bradenton, shouting at Cindy Anthony
"I do see how the family is breaking down because of the protesters, and if they're broken down enough, I feel like they'll give up and tell the truth."--Protester Jennifer Tuck, outside the Anthony's home, 'Monsters,' Disruptive Protesters Outside Anthony Home Prompt Suit ; September 12 2008
compiled by Mondoreb
images: Orange Co Sheriff's Dept.; necn
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