"I'm Not Going to Take Away Your Guns"
"Bitter, Clinging to Religion and Guns"

[Click image to enlarge.]
The National Rifle Association has just stepped into the fray, sending out a mailing about Barack Obama and his history of support for anti-gun legislation, according to Politico's Jonathan Martin.
The NRA is sending out a mailer attacking Barack Obama on gun issues to four million members, according to spokesman Andrew Arulanandam.
The gun-rights group is also sending the piece out to gun stores, gun shows and wherever shooters and sportsmen gather.
According to Politico, the NRA is printing six million copies.
Obama says, "I'm not going to take away your guns."
But, as in so much Obamabilia: the record and actions say something else altogether.
by Mondoreb
image: NRA
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