Top Idiots Of The Week
Nancy Morgan
November 19, 2008
The winner of this week's Idiot Award is the genius who decided to rename New York City's Triborough Bridge in honor Robert F. Kennedy. For those of you under 35 and/or recent graduates of government schools who don't see the irony in naming a bridge after a Kennedy, just google 'Chappaquidick'.
In a close second we have the student counselors at Ottawa's Carlton University. These yahoos voted to cancel a cystic fibrosis fundraiser because the disease “has been recently revealed to only affect white people, and primarily men”. Apparently the disease wasn't 'inclusive' enough. Translation: Your life isn't worth anything unless you're a member of a politically correct victim group. Here's hoping these kids don't pro-create.
The 'sanitation experts' who marked World Toilet Day by calling for the end of the flush toilet in order to save water and provide fertilizer for crops. I kid you not.
Politically correct NHS bosses in Birmingham, England are battling to ban a smoking room for terminally ill patients – forcing them to be turfed out into the cold to enjoy their final cigarettes.
He's not alone...A brothel in Europe offered free entry to anyone who had the brothel's name tattooed on their arm. To date, 40 idiots have taken them up on their offer.
A woman is divorcing her husband after he told her it was an "iPhone glitch" that sent pictures of his genitals to another woman. Inquiring minds want to know if he plans to sue.
A group of idiots has started a petition to get pole dancing into the Olympic games.
A 21-year-old man was accused of driving drunk and leading police on a chase that finally ended with him running over himself.
A pair of 17-year-olds allegedly try to rob armed off-duty Dona Ana deputy at knife point in Las Cruses. Oops!
Last, but not least, we have a police chief in Southwestern Ohio. As he was giving his daughter a lesson in gun safety, he accidentally shot himself in his thigh. Moral of the story: make sure gun is unloaded before giving lessons.
The chairman of the British Lap Dancing Association, speaking at a legislative hearing Tuesday, made an odd assertion, given his livelihood — a lap dance is "not sexually stimulating".
A lawyer representing a man arrested in Fairfield for drunken driving says the state’s breathalyzers discriminate against black people. Racist machines?
While arguing in favor of legislation requiring that anyone report a lost or stolen firearm report that within 24 hours or potentially face a $500 fine, Pittsburgh Councilwoman Tonya Payne said, "Who really cares about it being constitutional?"
Tonya is joined by U.S. Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.) who, with a straight face, praised the idea of wealth redistribution and maligned the idea that people who create wealth should be entitled to keep it. Can you spell socialism?
Anyone can be stupid but it takes real effort to be an idiot. Feel free to send in contenders for next week's Idiot Awards. Meanwhile, keep smiling.
[For an animation that will make you smile, click Idiots of the Week. Hint: it involves Hillary.
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by Nancy Morgan
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