Saturday, February 2, 2008

Ron Paul Round-Up: Maine Caucuses, Denver Speech, WV Convention and Super Tuesday

* Maine Caucuses - Early Results

* Ron Paul's Denver Stop Friday
* WV GOP Convention Tuesday
* Is Ron Paul the Anti-McCain?
* Super Tuesday Schedule

Ron Paul Round-up

First, the Maine caucuses:

UPDATE: SATURDAY, February 2, 2008 2:15 pm

Mitt Romney took an early lead in presidential preference voting by Maine Republicans as the first returns were counted Saturday from the party's municipal caucuses, which GOP officials said were heavily attended across the state.

Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, had 59 percent of the vote with 3 percent of the towns holding caucuses reporting. Ron Paul trailed with 19 percent, John McCain had 18 percent, and Mike Huckabee and undecided votes each had about 2 percent.

The nonbinding caucus votes were taking place in public schools, community centers, fire stations and town halls, and attendance was said to be heavy statewide.

NOTE: If any readers have any information on the Maine caucuses, leave a comment and we'll include it in our next Ron Paul update.

This worked out so well for the Louisiana Caucuses, hopefully, someone who attended the Maine Caucuses will leave a comment on how they saw them where they were.

Earlier from Michelle Malkin, a reader sends in a Maine caucus report:
I just got back from the caucus in my district in Maine. Romney was immensely popular today; of course there were a lot of Ron Paul nuts, and I saw no supporters of McCain.

Olympia Snowe came in to speak on behalf of McCain. She was not too popular, and was very nearly booed. People got to Q&A her, and the overall sentiment was complete disdain for McCain’s liberal stance on immigration. One person even asked her why conservatives should rally McCain after he flirted with leaving the party and running as Kerry’s veep.

The Maine Caucuses are now underway with some voting yesterday, the bulk today and a bit of it finishing up tomorrow.

Most of the candidates have been quiet in Maine, with the exception of Mitt Romney and Ron Paul.

Romney's son, Tagg visited Maine as a windup to a quiet campaign in Maine leading to three days of Republican voting.

Ron Paul visited the state Monday, but neither Michael Huckabee nor John McCain has shown up.
Paul is said to have an organization in Maine that could give the Texas congressman his first victory. And Huckabee could benefit from caucus votes by GOP conservatives who are capable of flexing political muscle.

After the voting is completed in Maine, this could prove to be an important contest in the Ron Paul campaign's battle for Republican delegates.
The 72-year-old, 10-term Texas congressman has been largely dissed and dismissed by party politicians and the media in this lengthening primary race. But his loyal followers have been more than generous in recent weeks, donating nearly $20 million in the last three months of 2007 to make him the most successful GOP fundraiser then and the only one to increase his donations every quarter last year.

According to Paul's website, supporters have given another $5+ million since Jan. 1.

On Friday Republicans started three days of caucusing in Maine, a largely rural state where Paul's brand of independence and smaller government might well fit. He's got several hundred volunteers working the caucuses with the same kind of determination and imagination that drove Paul to a distant second-place finish behind Mitt Romney in Nevada's caucuses last month.

Paul is using his funds judiciously, traveling around the country and speaking largely under the major media's radar. He did well in the Louisiana caucuses and even beat out Rudy Giuliani and Fred Thompson elsewhere, though he finished dead last in the Florida primary.

Paul spoke earlier this week in Washington about the economy and recession.

"The most important thing you can do is nothing," said the one-time Libertarian candidate for president, who recently voted against the $146 billion economic stimulus package.

As anyone with a modicum of modern economics knowledge understands, the market should be allowed to correct itself while a restrained and reduced federal government stops trying to protect millions from the economic consequences of their bad decisions.

This is Ron Paul's position on the economic stimulus package that was little more than a "Bi-partisan Voter Stimulus Package".
Paul was the only Republican candidate to actually visit Maine, which could go over well with locals. The nonbinding caucuses are the first step toward picking 18 Maine delegates who'll travel to the national convention in St. Paul next August.

A win in Maine on a slow news weekend as the only presidential preference voting underway just before Super Tuesday could garner Paul priceless free publicity.

Paul's message of strict constitutionalism has attracted an eclectic crowd of disaffected Democrats and Republicans and libertarians who've formed more than 1,400 meet-up groups across the country. They see their freedoms threatened by such legislation as the Patriot Act and want to bring the troops home from abroad and spend the money on domestic priorities.

Although Paul typically gets the least speaking time during GOP debates, if he isn't barred from participating altogether, he makes the most of his time. He drew numerous positive reviews after the recent Republican debate at the Reagan Library when he said it makes no sense to bomb bridges in other countries only to rebuild them with American taxpayers' money while the bridges at home are falling down.

Ron Paul (and Ronald Reagan before him) does understand one thing that John McCain, liberals and Democrats will never admit: that the government is almost never the solution: it is almost always the problem.

"The Constitution was written for one specific purpose," Paul recently told a Seattle crowd, "and that was to restrain government, not to restrain the people."
Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul has a couple of things going for him at this weekend's Republican caucuses: a band of highly motivated supporters and a natural appeal to Maine's like-minded independents.

His stop in the state earlier this week also made him the only presidential contender from either party to visit before the caucuses.

"I think that (because) he's paid attention to Maine, he'll be rewarded."

--R. Kenneth Lindell, Paul's campaign coordinator in Maine

Maine's GOP polling Friday, Saturday and Sunday may be the Texas congressman's best shot at winning a state, and such a feat would be big coming just days before next week's Super Tuesday presidential preference contests in more than 20 states.

Lindell wouldn't get into specifics about the number of volunteers Paul has in the state, except to say they number in the hundreds — not a small figure considering Maine's relatively small population and meager share of the national delegate pool.

Paul has drawn a mix of young voters who are getting involved in politics for the first time, longtime Republicans with libertarian leanings or who are unhappy with the direction the party's been going and independents who've left the party, Lindell said.

Maine Democrats will gather next weekend to make their choices.

Maine's Process for Awarding Delegates
The nonbinding Republican caucuses are the first step toward electing Maine's 18 delegates to the party's national convention. Three ranking party leaders also go. Maine awards all of its delegates to the caucus winners.

Maine stubbornly refuses to follow the crowd, electorially-speaking.
In 1992, H. Ross Perot delivered a shocker in Maine, beating out Kennebunkport's George H.W. Bush to come in second behind Bill Clinton. And that came after former California Gov. Jerry Brown donned a plaid shirt while campaigning in Maine to beat Clinton in the Democratic caucuses.

Unenrolled or independent voters can play an important role in Maine politics, since they make up the largest bloc of voters. The law allows independents to come in the day of the caucus and register with a party.

"If we have a good showing here in Maine, that could carry forward into Super Tuesday when we could pick up delegates. That would be significant in the case of a brokered convention."

R. Kenneth Lindell, Paul's campaign coordinator in Maine
Julie O'Brien, executive director of the state Republican Party, said Paul supporters have been resourceful in finding opportunities for support, for example, organizing caucuses in towns where none had been scheduled.

"I have felt strongly for three weeks that he stood a better chance (in Maine) than any other candidate," O'Brien said. But her view has eased slightly now that Arizona Sen. John McCain won in Florida and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani is no longer in the running.

The Maine GOP has increased it's efforts to encourage general caucus participation. This could send more supporters for McCain and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney to the polls, according to O'Brien.
Mark Brewer, who teaches political sciene at the University of Maine, doesn't see Paul as a favorite but added that the congressman's best chances are in caucus states like Maine. Paul finished second in the Nevada caucuses on Jan. 19.

"I wouldn't be completely stunned if Ron Paul won the caucuses" in Maine, Brewer said.

Meanwhile, yesterday in Denver

Seven Quotes from the Ron Paul Campaign Stop in Denver

Ron Paul's campaign appearance yesterday in Denver was standing room only.
The crowd for Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul was so large it surprised his own organizers. They were forced to hurriedly open partitions to double the size of the ballroom space minutes before Paul's scheduled appearance in the Four Seasons Ballroom. When that wasn't enough hundreds of people stood rimming the hall that sits 1,536.

Many of his supporters boldly predicted he would win more delegates in the state then front runners Sen. John McCain and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney even though Paul has yet to win a majority in any state primary.

* Colorado Convention Center employee: "That room is packed so tight it's not even funny,"

* Ron Paul (beginning his speech): "I'm just totally dumbfounded. The enthusiasm seems to be growing. Freedom is popular."

* Vince Holcomb, 45, massage therapist from Centennial: "He's real strong in Colorado. Ron Paul is a lot higher in the polls than the mainstream media publicize."

* The crowd in Denver: "Ron Paul Revolution; Taking back our Constitution."

* Ron Paul: "[I'm} so well-received in Colorado because people in the state share [my] love of personal liberties, [my] quest to "return to constitutional principles" and belief that government needs to be dramatically reduced.

* Ron Paul (before his speech): "There's no reason why we can't do quite well right here. I would say we're in pretty good shape."

* Ron Paul (Denver campaign speech): "We don't have to start a brand new revolution. All we have to do is restore the original Constitution."
Paul says he plans to end welfare for illegal aliens and "birthright citizenship." He says he has never voted to increase taxes, is against regulating the Internet and opposes the Iraq war.


Alabama (48) Alaska (29) Arizona (53)
Arkansas (34) California (173) Colorado (46)
Connecticut (30) Delaware (18) Georgia (72)
Illinois (70) Minnesota (41) Missouri (58)
Montana (25) New Jersey (52) New York (101)
North Dakota (26) Oklahoma (42) Tennessee (55)
Utah (36) West Virginia (18 of 30)

Total Delegates: 1027

In WV on Tuesday morning, 18 of the state's delegates will be chosen in Charleston by the WV GOP delegates to the first Republican convention. The rest will be chosen in the WV Republican primary in May.

Mitt Romney is scheduled to speak at the convention. As of now, that is the only confirmed candidate, although that could change, according to Virginia Davis, WV GOP Media Relations.

The convention is the largest gathering of Republicans in the states history.

Over 1400 WV delegates will vote for delegates to represent the GOP at the Republican national convention.

About 60% of the delegates right now are "uncommitted". Among the rest, here are the delegates committed to a particular candidate.

Mitt Romney 184
Mike Huckabee 132
Ron Paul 68
John McCain 12

In addition, delegates pledged to Fred Thompson (104), Rudy Giuliani (41) and Duncan Hunter (4) are now free to vote for the four Republicans still in the race.

- - - -

Will Ron Paul become the Anti-McCain?

Where McCain wants opened borders, Paul is opposed.

Where McCain was against extending the Bush tax cuts, Paul supported them.

On most issues, the man who now tries to bill him self as a "conservative" and who has bought a large amount of Super Tuesday commercials trying to convince unwary voters that he is a "conservative", is on the opposite side of issues from Ron Paul.

From the National Ledger:
The race may be over. John McCain could be poised to represent the Republican Party in the presidential race this election season as they try to retain the White House and it might be as soon as Super Tuesday if he grabs a big win in a bunch of states. This has conservatives in a tizzy. Perhaps they should have turned to Ron Paul and given him a chance.

Unless Mitt Romney rallies big, conservatives will soon run out of options and will either have to support McCain, despite his obvious shortcomings, or sit this one out. I wonder if any regret not looking at Paul and jumping on his bandwagon. He had the money, he just never had any real media time.

So, with Super Tuesday three days away, the battle for Maine's delegates is underway.

A win or good showing in Maine will generate media attention for a candidate whose campaign's biggest headache still is national name recognition.

It will also generate delegates.

RON PAUL DBKP Library of over 40 Ron Paul stories and videos, covering the presidential campaign of the Texas Congressman.

* Ron Paul Campaigns Gets Ready for Super Tuesday

by Mondoreb
images: garlingguage; denverpost
* Romney's Son visits Maine as Caucuses Begin
* Ron Paul's Big Chance to Make a Modest Splash
* Romney Ahead in Early Caucus Voting
* Ron Paul's Prospects Look Up in Maine
* Paul Draws Big Crowd in Denver
* The Maine Caucus: A reader reports
* Will Desperate Conservatives Turn to Ron Paul?
* Phone interview, Virginia Davis; WV GOP Media Relations

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Looking Back for Change

Red Planet Cartoons has, as usual, a nice piece on "Obamalot".

source & image: Obamalot


Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

NY Town Falls Under Spell of Strange Visitor

Cult Leader or Grand Visionary?

Mysterious Traveler Entrances Town With Utopian Vision Of The Future

And they said it couldn't happen here.

by Mondoreb
image: the onion


Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

John McCain Spoofs

The Joke's on Conservatives

Part 6 of Political Candidate Parodies/Spoofs

[NOTE: So that we don't get accused of "McCain Derangement Syndrome", we're holding our John McCain Quotes until tomorrow. Apparently, anyone raising the alarm about John McCain's record or quoting examples of McCain's arrogance toward Republicans or conservatives suffers from MDS. The same media sources might have labeled Paul Revere as suffering from "British Derangement Syndrome".]

MORE DBKP Political Candidate Spoofs Compilations

* John Edwards: The Man who would be Parodied
* Iowa's Forgotten Man: Rudy Giuliani Spoofs
* Barack Obama Spoofs
* One Year of the Clinton Campaign: One Year of Spoofs

compiled by Mondoreb
* theodoresworld
* Freaking News
* uglyrepublican
* zug
* Adainski
* clintonfein
* z
* cynical c
* zaiusnation
* e-graphics
* RidesAPaleHorse


Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

DBKP's Today in Weird History: February 2, 2008


Today is Groundhog Day.


1848 The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, ending the Mexican-American War, was signed.

1943 The remainder of Nazi forces from the Battle of Stalingrad surrendered in a major victory for the Soviets in World War II.

1944 4th US marine division conquerors Roi, Marshall Islands.

1944 Allied troops 1st set foot on Japanese territory.


1968 Springer Publishers in West Berlin, bombed.


1897 fire destroyed the Pennsylvania state capitol in Harrisburg. (A new statehouse was dedicated on the same site nine years later.)

1998 Philippine DC-9 crashes apparently killing all 104 on board.

2003 The search continued for pieces of the space shuttle Columbia, a day after the spacecraft disintegrated during re-entry over Texas, killing all seven astronauts.

2003 A hotel fire in northeastern China killed some three dozen people.

2003 An explosion destroyed a bank building in Lagos, Nigeria, killing at least 46 people.

2007 Tornadoes killed 21 people in central Florida.


1802 1st leopard exhibited in US, Boston (admission 25¢).


1852 1st British public men's toilet opens (Fleet St London).


1960 Michale Eufemia sinks 625 balls in pool match without a miss.


1926 3 men dance the Charleston for 22½ hours.


1964 GI Joe, debuts as a popular American boy's toy.


1880 SS Strathleven arrives in London with 1st Australian frozen mutton.


1993 Frito Lay pays court ordered $2,500,000 to Tom Waits for using his song, "Step Right Up".


1912 Frederick R Law, parachutes from Statue of Liberty (stunt for Pathe).


1933 2 days after becoming chancellor, Adolf Hitler dissolves Parliament.


1932 Al Capone sent to prison (Atlanta GA).


1980 FBI releases details of Abscam, a sting operation that targeted 31 elected & public officials for bribes for political favors.


1989 0ºF (-18ºC) or below in 15 US states.


1536 The Argentine city of Buenos Aires was founded by Pedro de Mendoza of Spain.

1653 New Amsterdam — now New York City — was incorporated.


1870 The "Cardiff Giant," supposedly the petrified remains of a human discovered in Cardiff, N.Y., was revealed to be nothing more than carved gypsum.

2007 A grim report from the world's leading climate scientists and government officials said that global warming was so severe, it would "continue for centuries" and that humans were to blame.


1876 The National League of Professional Base Ball Clubs was formed in New York.


1923 Ethyl gasoline 1st marketed, Dayton OH.


1957 UN adopts a resolution calling for Israeli troops to leave Egypt.


1962 8 of 9 planets align for 1st time in 400 years.


1948 President Harry Truman sent to Congress a 10-point civil rights program calling for measures against lynching, poll taxes and job discrimination.


1869 James Oliver invents the removable tempered steel plow blade.


1942 Los Angeles Times urges security measures against Japanese-Americans.

1950 1st broadcast of "What's My Line" on CBS-TV.

1988 In a speech the broadcast television networks declined to carry live, President Reagan pressed his case for aid to the Nicaraguan Contras.


1945 Karl F Goerdeler mayor (Leipzig)/"July 20th plot", hanged at 60.


1979 Sid Vicious [John Simon Ritchie], bassist (Sex Pistols), dies of a heroin overdose at 31


1829 Madman Jonathan Martin sets York Cathedral afire, does £60,000 damage.


1892 Bottle cap with cork seal patented by William Painter (Baltimore).


1935 Lie detector 1st used in court (Portage WI).


1754 Charles-Maurice duke of Talleyrand-Périgord French bishop/premier (1815).

1861 Mehmed VI Vahideddin last sultan of Ottoman Empire (1918-22).

1882 Irish poet and novelist James Joyce was born near Dublin.

1895 George S Halas [Papa Bear], end/coach (Bears), co-founder NFL.

1905 Ayn Rand writer (Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead).

2338 Data android character on Star Trek Next Generation.


Actress Elaine Stritch is 83. Actor Robert Mandan is 76. Comedian Tom Smothers is 71. Rock singer-guitarist Graham Nash is 66. Actor Bo Hopkins is 66. Television executive Barry Diller is 66. Country singer Howard Bellamy (The Bellamy Brothers) is 62. Actress Farrah Fawcett is 61. Actor Jack McGee is 59. Actor Brent Spiner is 59. Rock musician Ross Valory (Journey) is 59. Model Christie Brinkley is 54. Actor Michael Talbott is 53. Actress Kim Zimmer is 53. Rock musician Robert DeLeo (Army of Anyone and Stone Temple Pilots) is 42. Rock musician Ben Mize (Counting Crows) is 37. Rapper T-Mo is 36. Actress Lori Beth Denberg is 32. Singer Shakira is 31.


1969 Boris Karloff [Pratt], British actor (Frankenstein), dies at 81.

1996 dancer, actor and choreographer Gene Kelly died at his Beverly Hills, Calif., home; he was 83.

February 2, the 33rd day of 2008. There are 333 days left in the year. This is Groundhog Day.

compiled by Mondoreb
image: mbnet
* Today in History
* Today in History


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Has Poor Cap'n Ed Jumped the Shark?

John McCain is no Friend of Conservatives

Poor Captain Ed Morrissey.

One almost hates to disagree with the helmsmen over at The Captain's Quarters. But he seems to be a bit out-of-sorts over a remark that commentator/polemicist Ann Coulter made this week.

The remark concerned John McCain and Hillary Clinton. Coulter said that she would campaign for Clinton if McCain won the Republican nomination.

Exact words and context from Fox's Hannity & Colmes.

This was too much for the good Captain.
So let's walk through the logic here. John McCain gets castigated by Coulter because he aligns himself too often with the Democrats. Her solution to that is --- to campaign for the Democrats? Maybe someone can explain the thought process to me, but it sounds like a hysterical demand for extortion rather than a considered and thoughtful political position.

Can someone explain the thought process to the poor Captain?

Well, sure, it can be easily explained.

It's doubtful if the Captain will agree with that thought process, but let's take a look at what DBKP said 2 days ago in McCain's Double Talk Tango.
Global warming? Illegal immigrants? Tax cuts? Free Speech?

John McCain comes down--and comes down hard--on the side of liberals on every one of the above issues.

With a GOP nominee like McCain, who needs Democrats?

In fact, on almost every issue, John McCain and Hillary Clinton are virtually in perfect, harmonious agreement.

One of the few differences is what to label people who oppose them: where Clinton thinks that those who disagree with her are part of a "vast right-wing conspiracy", McCain thinks they are "racists", "dishonorable", or "dishonest".

Now, what's so hard to understand about conservative disdain for McCain, Captain Ed?

Clinton or McCain?

One could call McCain "Clinton Lite". But that would be making too great a distinction between the two.

God deliver us from having to make the choice between an arrogant, liberal-leaning Senator who lies, backtracks and launches personal attacks on disagreeing conservative opponents and--an arrogant, liberal-leaning Senator who lies, backtracks and launches personal attacks on disagreeing conservative opponents.

If the Captain would like to check back later today, he'll find an article chock-full of McCain's arrogant, sneering attacks on conservatives over the past several years.

But one suspects The Captain is beyond the forces of reason on this particular topic.

Apparently, if you have an "R" beside your name on the ballot, that trumps all for the Captain.

That "R" gives you the same sort of free pass that liberal mouthpieces like the NY Times and Washington Post give most Democrats--and McCain.

Screw all that.

One last shot from Captain Ed.
It appears Coulter hates McCain more than she cares about conservative values. She has acquired McCain Derangement Syndrome, and is rather obviously unbalanced by it. Sean Hannity was clearly embarrassed to listen to this tirade, and Coulter should have been embarrassed to have indulged in it.

What's embarrassing about the truth?

It's not McCain Derangement Syndrome to look at McCain's record and recoil.

The Good Cap'n. might be a Republican first, and a conservative second, but there's plenty of others who will just as soon watch that sad ship depart without them.

It might be argued that perhaps McCain might appoint a better quality of judges than Clinton.


With John McCain, you never know.



By the time the liberal press starts up its tired, highly-inaccurate "maverick" articles about John McCain, who know?

Cindy Sheehan might be the first McCain Supreme Court nominee.

Cares about conservative values?

John McCain is first and foremost a politician. Tops in the McCain value system is John McCain.

If John McCain is the Republican nominee, expect the liberal press to drop its protective McCain stance and start publishing mounds of material on the Arizona Senator and his web of cozy lobbyist relationships.

They might be his buddies in the primaries, but they'll rightly figure: Why support McCain when Clinton's available? John McCain is just an interestingly acceptable consolation prize for the liberal MSM media.

Coulter articulated what's going to be a popular parlor game come September, if McCain is the nominee with the "R" by his name:

Can John McCain woo more independents and Democrats than the conservatives he alienates?

The correct answer: who cares?

Coulter is right, McCain or Clinton is a choice that only Keith Olbermann--or apparently, Ed Morrissey--could enthusiastically differentiate between.

An increasing number of people will come to the conclusion that if Clinton wins, at least conservatives won't be held responsible for the liberal aftermath.

The only thing that can save the Republicans is that McCain is considered by the MSM to be "unstoppable".

Has Ann Coulter jumped the shark?

One wonders if Captain Ed Morrissey's water skis aren't already waxed and ready?

by Mondoreb
images: istock; wikipedia
* Has Ann Coulter Finally Jumped the Shark
* John McCain's Double Talk Tango
[NOTE: We agree with Ed Morrissey much more than we ever disagree with him on almost every subject. However, this particular one--and the McCain "R" Fetish--is a particular sore spot with us.]


Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Rio Judge Rules Hitler and "Holocaust" Carnival Theme Must Go

The Carnival in Rio will go on this year sans Hitler and the float of "emaciated corpses" from the Holocaust entitled "It Gives You Goose Bumps."
A judge Thursday blocked a carnaval float meant to show that the Holocaust "gives you goose bumps."

Viradouro, the top Rio samba group responsible for the float, said it was designed to remind carnaval-goers of past horrors to prevent them from happening again.

But Jewish leaders were outraged. The Jewish Federation of Rio de Janeiro sued under federal laws prohibiting Nazi propaganda and racism in Brazil, said Lara Voges, a court spokeswoman.

"It's inadmissible that they could have a parade float depicting dead Jews and a live Hitler on top of them," said federation spokesman Jose Roitberg.

Rio de Janeiro state Judge Juliana Kalichszteim called Viradouro's plans a "clear trivialization of barbaric events."

Not exactly known as a chaste and somber celebration, the annual Rio Carnival features thousands of dancers and drummers competing for top prize in the "competition," an 80 minute parade.

Twelve "top tier" groups choose with their own "theme," complete with float, costumes and music.

Last year's winner was the float, Beija Flor, whose theme was the hummingbird:
Rio carnival Sambha dance results are out the winners this year were 5th last year. They are none other than the Beija Flor samba group. They won their 10th carnival championship Wednesday, taking home top honors for a colorful performance in a float representing the humming bird. The giant gilded hummingbird had leaping impalas and dancers in elephant and giraffe suits. Source - America Zoom
We're not sure how the Viradouro group thought its Holocaust theme and dancing Hitler would be fit into the Carnival themes of multi-colored barely dressed swaying bodies cavorting down the street.

The Judge ruled it was barbaric and we agree.

This type of behavior trivializes Hitler and the Holocaust where millions were tortured and murdered.

We'd be interested to know the real reason behind the theme of the float. Trivialization is just another way to denigrate a memory, to lessen its impact.

Hitler and Holocaust need to remain where they belong. In the past, not on some float in the middle of the Rio Carnival.


Source -
Image -
Image - YnetNews
Image - pds.exblog
Image - Frost Fire Pulse
Video - Daily Motion

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McCain and Immigration: Juan MeCainez

by RidesAPaleHorse
image: RAPH


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Bill and Hillary Clinton: A View From India

Just what do others across the world think of Hillary Clinton and her run for President?

We found an opinion piece in The Statesman, a newspaper from India. The writer makes some observations about Hillary... and her conjoined spouse, Bill:

A double dose of Clinton is not what the world needs

It is not a question of who has the dominant personality ~ Bill or Hillary Clinton? It is how the world works, a world that is, even in its most liberal quarters, essentially male chauvinistic. Margaret Thatcher chose a cabinet that was 100% male, although it was said they were alternately seduced and scared by her.

If we hadn’t caught the penny before we certainly heard it drop in South Carolina. Bill and Hillary is “two for one” and where she goes he goes too. If she became President, whilst she would have the constitutional authority he would have the political clout. Can you imagine in some moment of tension Vladimir Putin (or Dimitri Medvedev) or the King of Saudi Arabia not picking up the phone first to Bill rather than Hillary for a clarifying “background chat” on what US policy exactly is.

Come to that, why are we making so much fuss over the likelihood in Russia of Putin promoting his protege, Medvedev, whilst he drops back to prime minister? At least they are not married to each other or twin brothers, as was the case recently in Poland. At least Putin will have a constitutional mandate to hold the number two position whereas Bill will be “only” a spouse.
The writer also looks at the United States, how in the past few decades our choice of Presidents have never reached further than father-son and now possibly, husband-wife.
In fact, if America can’t offer better than two families alternating power between father and son, husband and wife over a period of what could be 28 continuous years, then it had better shut up shop with its advocacy of democracy and freedom. Isn’t this what they do in the banana republics?
The writer calls the possible outcome of a Hillary win, the "double-headed Clinton regime." A very astute observation, Hillary and Bill, or Bill and Hillary, have always been a very loyal power couple, perhaps this was Hillary's anger at Bill over the tawdry affair of Bill and the pudgy intern, Monica Lewinsky. Hillary had worked hard to get Bill into the Oval Office and here he was, squandering their (her) political future with some nukee-nukee with fat thighs and a Cuban cigar.
Then there is the question what would a double-headed Clinton regime do? Undoubtedly, despite the confusion of Hillary Clinton’s Senate votes, it would be less warlike than the present Bush administration. It would also be wiser and more sophisticated.
The writer believes Hillary, on her own, might have a "wiser, more sophisticated" administration. This is where we digress. The writer had previously written that other countries would want to talk "grown-up" with Bill, in important matters, instead of with Hillary.

The writer goes on to make some observations as to Bill's years as president. These observations are extremely important because this is what someone, not from our own country, but from another country, another culture, thought of the Clinton years:

But just because the Bush years have been such a disaster it doesn’t mean we should overlook how inadequate the Clinton presidency was on almost everything but economic policy. Bill certainly wowed the Europeans. But that was because he appeared smart and intelligent ~ the archetypal Yank at Oxford. But in truth he was a waffler. That goes back to his time as governor of Arkansas. He talked a great game on the race issue but Arkansas didn’t get a Civil Rights Act until after he was gone.

When he became President he had the world at his feet. No Cold War. No major war anywhere in the world. An economy on the cusp of prosperity. But it quickly turned out, especially on foreign policy, that he had no vision, no deep convictions, and no overriding purpose.

One of his first acts, presumably to quieten the Pentagon that was nervous and antagonistic because of his draft dodging the Vietnam war and his tolerance of homosexuality in the military, was to launch a cruise missile attack on Iraq, that merely cemented Iraqi public opinion behind Saddam Hussein. His vigorous economic embargo of Iraq likewise hurt the civilians most, creating tens of thousands of deaths of Iraqi children.

A short while after the cruise missile attack, he made the decision to pull American troops out of Somalia where they were supposed to be part of a United Nations peacekeeping force. In fact they operated independently under the direct authority of US Southern Command in Florida and had decided to engage in combat with one of the rebel leaders in a very non-UN way. It led to the deaths of 18 American soldiers.
So far, not so favorable a critic for Bill:

Instead of taking the blame himself, Clinton turned on the UN. For the rest of his two terms, the UN remained the bete noire of much of the American public, an easy target for Senator Jesse Helms who tried to starve the UN of funding. This should have been the era of UN coming into its own with the Security Council working in harmony. Ironically, there was more of this under his predecessor, George Bush.

Indeed, substantive progress in building a sane and sober relationship with post Communist Russia occurred more under Bush than Clinton. With Bush there was serious nuclear disarmament. With Clinton almost none.

Clinton lost the Senate vote on the ratification of the Test Ban Treaty because he left it to the last moment to publicly campaign for it. India’s and Pakistan’s decision to go openly nuclear owed much to the climate of opinion that Clinton’s lack of activity on nuclear issues engendered.
And then there was the genocide in Rwanda. When it was gathering speed, Clinton gave the impression to his underlings that he didn’t want to know. His attempt at peace in the Middle East was left to the last moment and fell apart because Clinton was clumsily partisan, in favour of Israel.

The writer sums it up as a period of great openings and missed opportunities:

If an artist were commissioned to paint the eight years of the presidency of Bill Clinton it would be a landscape of missed openings. The great historical opportunities that were open to him were squandered, with arguably the exception of making peace with North Korea. Why should America or the rest of the world want a double-headed, double dose of this?

Good question. Why should America or the rest of the world want a "double-headed, double dose" of Hillary and Bill Clinton?

Bill and Hillary are an extraordinarily strong political couple who work well in tandem. We may not want them as our next Presidential "team" but in America, anything is possible.


Image - Met Museum
Source - The Statesman

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Test Tube Sperm: Biological Children For Gays

British scientists claim to of discovered a process which turns human female embryonic stem cells into sperm cells, a process that researchers say may someday allow gay couples to have a biological child of their own.

According to The Asian Age, the Newcastle University team led by Prof. Karim Nayernia have created "primitive" human sperm that has yet to undergo meiosis, the right amount of genetic material for fertilization.
The scientists, who had already made male bone marrow cells to develop into primitive sperm cells, have managed to make female embryonic stem cells to turn into sperm cells.
As for the reasons why, as a society, we may want to utilize lab or "test tube" versus human sperm, researchers say this type of research may lead to new treatments in infertility or allow lesbian and gay couples to have children that are genetically their own.

Cynics may claim that scientists are on the verge of "playing God".

From a 2004 edition of New Scientist:
Growing sperm in a test tube may offer a powerful new way to genetically modify animals and potentially correct human genetic diseases before conception.

The technology offers two advantages. Firstly, it creates GM animals in one generation rather than two, unlike most conventional techniques. Secondly, because the genes are spliced into laboratory-born sperm, it may allow scientists to do sophisticated genetic manipulations in a wide range of animals. So far these have only been possible in mice.

"The big deal here is that this opens up vast possibilities to tailor this technique for different applications," says Shawn Burgess of the US National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. But experts say the technology will need to be improved further before it shows real promise.

In 2006, Times Online reported the "Creation of the Test Tube Father"... using mice:
ARTIFICIAL sperm have been used to create living animals for the first time, in an experiment that promises an end to male infertility.

Scientists have fertilised mouse eggs with sperm grown from embryonic stem (ES) cells to produce seven pups, proving that working reproductive cells can be made in the laboratory. The births provide the strongest evidence yet that it will be possible eventually to use stem cells to treat infertile men who can make no sperm of their own.
The NewCastle University team claims to be the first to create human male sperm from human female embryonic stem cells, another step closer to these scientific visions:
Other experiments have suggested that artificial eggs can be made from female embryos, raising similar hopes for infertile women, though no offspring have been born. In the longer term, it may be possible to produce sperm from female stem cells, and eggs from male ones, allowing homosexual couples to have children that bear the genes of both parents. In theory, a single person might even provide both the eggs and sperm needed to create an embryo.

The creation of “male eggs” and “female sperm”, however, faces difficult technical barriers, as embryos require genetic material from both a mother and a father in order to develop normally. Source - Times
Once scientists have perfected a way to replicate human sperm in a test tube what will be their next milestone? What sort of future can we envision, where one no longer needs a "biological" partner to have a child of their own?

Where one can have their own child, of their own sperm and egg, genetically engineered in their own image?

A Brave New World indeed.

Image - Brave New World

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DBKP's Today in Weird History: February 1, 2008



1968 during the Vietnam War, South Vietnam's police chief executed a Viet Cong officer with a pistol shot to the head in a scene captured by Associated Press photographer Eddie Adams and NBC News.

1861 Texas voted to secede from the Union.

1865 General Sherman's march through South Carolina begins.

1943 German occupiers make Vidkun Quisling Norwegian premier.

2007 The departing top U.S. commander in Iraq, Gen. George Casey, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that improving security in Baghdad would take fewer than half as many extra troops as President Bush had chosen to commit.


1979 Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini received a tumultuous welcome in Tehran as he ended nearly 15 years of exile.

2007 President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad launched anniversary celebrations for Iran's Islamic Revolution with a defiant promise to push ahead with the country's controversial nuclear program.


1814 Volcano Mayon on Luzon Philippines erupts killing 1,200.

1953 Flooding in Netherlands, kills 1,835.

1967 Severe brush fires in Tasmania destroy $11 million & 60 lives.

1970 Stalled commuter train rammed by express in Argentina, 139 die.

1977 Heavy blizzard in New England claims 100 lives.

1991 34 people were killed when a USAir jetliner crashed atop a commuter plane on a runway at Los Angeles International Airport.

1991 Afghanistan/Pakistan hit by earthquake, 1,200 die.

2003 At least 50 people were killed in a Zimbabwe train collision.

2003 The space shuttle Columbia broke up during re-entry, killing all seven of its crew members: Commander Rick Husband; pilot William McCool; Michael Anderson; Kalpana Chawla; David Brown; Laurel Clark; and Ilan Ramon, the first Israeli in space.


1998 In a round of Sunday talk show appearances, Monica Lewinsky's attorney, William Ginsburg, predicted that the controversy over whether the former White House intern had had an affair with President Bill Clinton would "go away" and that the president would survive unscathed.


1966 Nicholas Piantanida sets balloon flight record & dies in descent.


1709 British sailor Alexander Selkirk is rescued after being marooned on a desert island (Fernandez Island) for 5 years, his story is the inspiration for Daniel Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe".


1920 The Royal Canadian Mounted Police came into existence.


1969 Jim Morrison arrested for exposing himself in concert.


1974 Lynda Ann Healy 1st Bundy murder victim, abducted in Seattle.


1662 Dutch garrison on Formosa surrenders for Chinese pirates.


1906 1st federal penitentiary building completed, Leavenworth KS.


1793 Patent granted Ralph Hodgson, New York, for oiled silk & linen.


1978 Director Roman Polanski skips bail & fled to France after pleading guilty to charges of engaging in sex with a 13-year-old girl.


1949 RCA releases 1st single record ever (45 rpm).


1975 Otis Francis Tabler is 1st open homosexual to get security clearance to work for the Defense Department.


1953 "General Electric Theater" premieres on CBS TV; Reagan later hosts.


1946 Norwegian statesman Trygve Lie was chosen to be the first secretary-general of the United Nations.


1958 The United Arab Republic, a union of Egypt and Syria, was established. (The union ended in 1961.)


1887 Harvey Wilcox of Kansas subdivides 120 acres he owned in Southern California & starts selling it off as a real estate development (Hollywood).


1860 1st rabbi to open House of Representatives, Morris Raphall of New York NY.

1948 Palestine Post building in Jerusalem bombed.


1865 JS Rock, 1st black lawyer to practice in Supreme Court, admitted to bar.

1871 Jefferson Long of Georgia is 1st black to make an official speech in House of Representatives (opposing leniency to former Confederates).

1960 Four black college students began a sit-in protest at a lunch counter in Greensboro, N.C., where they had been refused service.

1965 Martin Luther King Jr & 700 demonstrators arrested in Selma AL.


1968 Richard M. Nixon announced his bid for the Republican presidential nomination.


1908 Carlos I King of Portugal (1889-1908), assassinated by mob at 44.


1867 Bricklayers start working 8-hour days.


1901 Clark Gable Cadiz OH, actor (Gone With the Wind).


Actor Stuart Whitman is 80. Singer Don Everly is 71. Actor Garrett Morris is 71. Singer Ray Sawyer (Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show) is 71. Actor Sherman Hemsley is 70. Bluegrass singer Del McCoury is 69. Jazz musician Joe Sample is 69. Comedian Terry Jones is 66. Actor-writer-producer Bill Mumy is 54. Rock musician Mike Campbell (Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers) is 54. Rock singer Exene Cervenka is 52. Princess Stephanie of Monaco is 43. Country musician Dwayne Dupuy (Ricochet) is 43. Actress Sherilyn Fenn is 43. Lisa Marie Presley is 40. Comedian and actor Pauly Shore is 40. Actor Brian Krause is 39. Jazz musician Joshua Redman is 39. Rock musician Patrick Wilson (Weezer) is 39. Actor Michael C. Hall is 37. Rock musician Ron Welty is 37. Rapper Big Boi (Outkast) is 33. Country singer Julie Roberts is 29. Actor Jarrett Lennon is 26.


1650 Rene Descartes philosopher "I think therefore I am", stops thinking.

1851 Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley novelist (Frankenstein), dies at 53.

1966 Buster Keaton [Joseph Francis], US comic (General), dies at 69.

1988 Heather O'Rourke "Poltergeist" star dies of intestinal ailment at 12.

2003 Former Agriculture Secretary Richard Lyng died in Modesto, Calif., at age 84.

2007 Pulitzer Prize-winning opera composer Gian Carlo Menotti died in Monaco at age 95.

February 1, the 32nd day of 2008. There are 334 days left in the year.

compiled by Mondoreb
image: moorestevie
* Today in History
* Today in History


Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

John McCain's Double Talk Tango

Next Stop for the "Straight Talk Express":
The Waffle House

"Let me give you some straight talk."
--John McCain

John McCain promises "Straight Talk" at every campaign stop.

After months of campaigning, careful readers are still waiting for him to deliver on that promise.

Perhaps, no politician has bent the truth and been on both sides of more issues more times than John McCain. The only one that even comes close is former President Bill "The Meaning of 'is'" Clinton.

A recent look at Mr. Straight Talk, John McCain, through the eyes of Ann Coulter.
Of course, I might lie constantly too, if I were seeking the Republican presidential nomination after enthusiastically promoting amnesty for illegal aliens, Social Security credit for illegal aliens, criminal trials for terrorists, stem-cell research on human embryos, crackpot global warming legislation and free speech-crushing campaign-finance laws.

I might lie too, if I had opposed the Bush tax cuts, a marriage amendment to the Constitution, waterboarding terrorists and drilling in Alaska.

And I might lie if I had called the ads of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth "dishonest and dishonorable."

McCain is the favorite Republican of the liberal Mainstream Media because McCain agrees with so many MSM positions.

Global warming? Illegal immigrants? Tax cuts? Free Speech?

John McCain comes down--and comes down hard--on the side of liberals on every one of the above issues.

With a GOP nominee like McCain, who needs Democrats?

In fact, on almost every issue, John McCain and Hillary Clinton are virtually in perfect, harmonious agreement.

One of the few differences is people who disagree with them: where Clinton thinks that those who disagree with her are part of a "vast right-wing conspiracy", McCain thinks they are "racists", "dishonorable", or "dishonest".

Robert Novak and others think that John McCain is unstoppable because of some recent victories in a couple primaries--primaries which allowed Democrats and Independents to vote for the Republican nominee.

Let's look at a breakdown of how McCain fared among Republicans in Michigan, for instance.
What kind of Michigan voters preferred McCain? Voters in the GOP primary who don't like President Bush, who oppose the war in Iraq and who report that they have no religion at all. Oh, and those who say they are not, in fact, Republicans.

"Let me give you some straight talk."
--John McCain

This just in: Ann Coulter replays a "Mr. Straight Talk" moment.
But like the Democrats, McCain thinks if he simply says something over and over again, he can make people believe it's true. Thus again at the South Carolina debate on Jan. 10, McCain was proclaiming that he was "the only one on this stage" who supported the surge.

Since he would deny it about two minutes later, here is exactly what Mr. Straight Talk said about the surge: "I supported that; I argued for it. I'm the only one on this stage that did. And I condemneded the Rumsfeld strategy before that."

The next question went to Giuliani and -- amid great flattery -- Giuliani noted that he also supported Bush's surge "the night of the president's speech."

Mr. Straight Talk contradicted Giuliani, saying: "Not at the time."

Again, Giuliani said: "The night of the president's speech, I was on television. I supported the surge. I've supported it throughout."

To which McCain finally said he didn't mean that he was "the only one on this stage" who supported the surge. So by "the only one on this stage," McCain really meant, "one of several people on this stage." OK, great. Now tell us your definition of the word "is," Senator.

On the issue of the Law of the Sea treaty--which is both a direct slam at U.S. sovereignty and provides a way for the United Nations to tax U.S. companies--McCain is his typical, straight talking self.
Here’s a listing of McCain’s various statements on the treaty:

* McCain joins liberal Republican Senators Susan Collins and John Chafee in a 1998 letter to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee urging immediate consideration and approval of the Law of the Sea.

* McCain declares to Senator Richard Lugar in 2003 that he wants to testify in support of ratification but a scheduling conflict prevented his appearance before the Foreign Relations Committee for this purpose.

* McCain submits written testimony in 2003 in support of the treaty to the Foreign Relations Committee.

* McCain tells conservative bloggers on October 25, 2007, that he would “probably” vote against it because it negatively affects U.S. sovereignty.

* McCain sends a letter to a constituent on November 14, 2007, declaring that the treaty is beneficial to the U.S. but that he will keep in mind the objections to it.

On his website, there is a 2006 McCain speech to the conservative Federalist Society, in which he says that “We are a nation that limits government so that government cannot limit us. I believe this notion of limited government will stand as our lasting contribution to the world. We are proof that people can frame a government to serve as an instrument of the people, not the other way around.”

"Let me give you some straight talk."
--John McCain

McCain has perhaps been toughest on free speech--or as he phrases it, "campaign finance reform"--McCain-Feingold.

Others would label it "unconstitutional" or "incumbent re-election insurance".

Whatever you think of a law limiting what free people can or cannot say on the public airwaves with their own money at certain times of the year, McCain arrived at such a hard stance via a 1980's scandal that occurred during his first Senate term: The Keating Five Scandal.

The Keating Five Scandal featured several familiar McCain trademarks: backroom deals, arrogant handling of anyone calling him on it and a chummy relationship with a fat cat donor who steered plenty of campaign cash into the Senator's coffers.

The Arizona Senator was just learning the ropes then.
The Keating Five (or Keating Five Scandal) refers to a Congressional scandal related to the collapse of most of the Savings and Loan institutions in the United States in the late 1980s.

This allegation set off a series of investigations by the California government, the United States Department of Justice, and the Senate Ethics Committee. The ethics committee's investigation focused on five senators: Alan Cranston (D-CA); Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ); John Glenn (D-OH); John McCain (R-AZ); and Donald W. Riegle, Jr. (D-MI), who became known as the Keating Five.

After months of testimony revealed that all five senators acted improperly to differing degrees, the senators continually said they were following the status quo of campaign funding practices. In August 1991, the committee concluded that Cranston, DeConcini, and Riegle's conduct constituted substantial interference with the FHLBB's enforcement efforts and that they had done so at the behest of Charles Keating. The committee recommended censure for Cranston and criticized the other four for "questionable conduct."

As a member of the infamous Keating Five, John McCain was investigated and found to have engaged in a lot less than "straight talk". McCain is the only member of that renowned quintet to still be in the public spotlight.

While squashing ordinary citizens' rights to express their displeasure with an incumbent Senator, for instance, McCain hasn't changed his ways when it comes to lobbyists and the favors they can do for him.

Last month, reports surfaced that McCain and his campaign tried to spike a story at the New York Times which portrayed the Arizona senator dispensing special favors to a "female telecom lobbyist".

The Mainstream press was quick to leap to McCain's defense, calling the story "rumors" and "innuendo".

McCain himself first vehemently denied the story, then later "clarified" himself into confirming, at least parts of, the story.
McCain responded to the story Thursday by denying all charges of granting special favors to lobbyists, but admitted that his staff had been in contact with the New York Times regarding the story (see AP). While McCain denied having any personal contact with the paper, Politico has confirmed that McCain himself had indeed spoken with executive editor Bill Keller on concerns regarding the story.

"Let me give you some straight talk."
--John McCain

For those McCain supporters who are backing the "Straight Talk Express" and its senator engineer, because they like his tough stance on the War on Terror, it might be wise to consider McCain's other tough stances on issues--before he faced any pressure.

For those voters who like their presidential nominees with a certain "moral flexibility", John McCain is just the ticket.

As far as everyone else, they're still waiting for someone who doesn't deliver "Straight Talk" out of both sides of their mouth.

by Mondoreb
images: michael totten;freakingnews
* GOP to Edwards: How Much for that Concession Speech?
* McCain: No More Mr. Straight Talk Express
* Straight Talk Express Takes Scenic Route to Truth
* U.N. Double Talk from Straight Talker John McCain
* The Dirt on John McCain and the Telecoms
* Keating Five


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John Edwards Love Child: Mainstream Press were "Good Little Reporters"

"The job of the newspaper is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable."

The famous quote is about a hundred years old and can be traced to the work of Finley Peter Dunne, one of the great journalists of the day, who wrote about politics and culture in the voice and persona of an Irishman named "Mr. Dooley."

Most of today's MSM reporters seem to have that quote backwards, however--at least where John Edwards and the story of his affair with Rielle Hunter, the cover-up and an approving MSM media.

It wasn't that MSM reporters were ignorant of the story and chose not to pursue it--although that was the template that every single MSM outlet followed religiously--it was their antagonism toward any who did pursue it.

They became, in the words of one DBKP staffer, "good little reporters, looking for a Scooby snack".

Some thought that that was being generous: diplomatic-speak for "lap dogs".

MSM reporters perhaps kidded themselves into silence on the Love Child story by 'not wanting to affect the election'.

John Edwards is now dropping his campaign for president, 2008 version. But one has to believe, based on past experiences, that the MSM press will find other excuses not to ask Edwards any tough questions.

Bob Schieffer's famous "two deny rule"--two people in the Edwards campaign denied the story by the National Enquirer, so it's not a valid story--would have damned any Watergate coverage in the 1970s.

But one wonders what the amount of coverage the story would have received had Edwards had an identifying "Rep" after his name.

The Dan Rather revelation on CBS Evening News of forged, fake documents concerning President Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard comes to mind.

The stonewalling of CBS in the face of indisputable evidence the documents were forged also comes to mind.

All that occurred on the eve of a national presidential election.

Thank goodness Edwards had the anointed "Dem" by his name: it usually proves to be the 'mark of indulgence' by the mainstream press. In effect, it's a free pass for behavior, criminal and otherwise.

True to form, the MSM press didn't deviate on the Edwards-Hunter story, either.

The reporters following Edwards on the campaign beat were good little reporters: never rocking the boat, not wishing to write a discouraging word. Eating and traveling with the candidate they became the press equivalent of bodyguards.

Meanwhile, the millions of people who might have been interested in watching a CBS, NBC, ABC or CNN news show reliably stayed away from those "news shows", as they were as usual, devoid of news.

They were busying scouring the Internet for information on Rielle Hunter, the woman who worked with and for Edwards and then mysteriously was taken under the campaign's wing when she became pregnant.

"Reille Hunter" continued to attract millions of searches a day by people seeking to twart the MSM media blackout on the story.

From Wonkette, last month:
Last month’s National Enquirer story on John Edwards and his alleged affair with campaign staffer Rielle Hunter may or may not be total bullshit. One insider said “there’s a lot of smoke… no smoking gun,” while another said the tab has plans to publish e-mails containing damning details of the reported affair.

Enquirer editor David Perel wouldn’t comment on the recent speculation, telling Rush & Malloy “I never like to talk about what’s not published, but we are still doing the story. The original story was 100% accurate.” Meanwhile, Edwards says “the story disappeared because it’s made up.”

To which Wonkette replied, "Umm, yeah..."

The only instance of the Mainstream Media "looking into the John Edwards scandal" was an ABC 20/20 story which claimed this was shaping up as possibly the dirtiest campaign in history.

The 20/20 "report" was, in actuality, a good example of the press playing bodyguard for John Edwards and wasn't interested in determining the truth of the allegations: most easily checked, if any reporter had the desire to rock the boat.
One of the stories cited by the news network―the National Enquirer account of Democratic candidate John Edwards allegedly fathering a “love child” out of wedlock―was denied but not disproven. Despite its reputation as a supermarket tabloid, the National Enquirer is the paper that broke the story, which was confirmed, of Jesse Jackson having an illegitimate child. Hence, the paper’s exclusives cannot be dismissed out of hand.

Until this ABC report, the mainstream media had not touched the Edwards story. However, the British newspaper The Daily Mail media ran a story citing Edwards’ denial of the affair.

ABC sniffed at the reporting of the Enquirer, which has spent time, money and resources on the John Edwards affair, without devoting one minute reporting or checking to determine the truth of any of the allegations.

John Edwards never had to answer any questions concerning the affair, the cover-up or the possible use of campaign funds for Rielle Hunter's upkeep.

Not one.

No questions about whether he had been in telephone contact with Ms. Hunter since she learned she was pregnant.

Not one.

No inconvenient questions about the campaign videos, paid for by the Edwards campaign and produced by Hunter, which disappeared for awhile--until the National Enquirer broke the Love Child scandal.

Not one.

This non-reporting has been a trademark of network "journalism" is recent years and is one of the reasons that the Network News shows continue their death spiral into oblivion.

NOT ONE reporter of a major news organization has put the question to Edwards: "Do you deny that you have been in telephone contact with Rielle Hunter since she found out she was pregnant?"

Not one.

Whether you thought the story was true or false, it has to be admitted that the breadth and width of the "good little reporter" syndrome was breathtaking.

"If a story happens in the woods and the MSM doesn't report it, is it still news?"

Of course, the answer is increasingly: "Who cares?"

The destiny of ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN seems to be to join MS-NBC as sort of a carnival freak sideshow of news--trusted by few, watched by less.

The MSM nightly newscasts and shows are watched by a very small, isolated, cult-like band of loyal viewers: derided by their erstwhile viewers in the same way that the Mainstream press deride the National Enquirer.

Reports that Hunter is being tended to by an Edwards campaign operative, living in the house of an Edwards campaign donor and driving a vehicle owned by former Edwards campaign finance director excited no interest in the MSM.

MSM reporters--timid at best, scared of losing access to Edwards at worst--were the worst kind of reporters: supplying a steady stream of puff pieces in lieu of asking hard questions; supplying real news.

It is true that the worst journalism comforts the comfortable and afflicts the afflicted. That is a breach of duty.

We need journalists to get at the truth and to keep watch against abuses of power. They have a hard enough time getting that right.

In the John Edwards affair and it's subsequent cover-up, the Mainstream press has been most effective in its new role of "comforting the comfortable."

And for a few lucky reporters covering the Edwards campaign, it's sure to pay off: they most likely will get a seat on the Edwards campaign plane during his next run for the presidency in 2012.

They'll still be writing puff pieces and refusing to follow up good work done by outcasts like the National Enquirer--and increasingly, the blogs they never tire of disparaging.

Four predictions--one needn't be a Nostradamus--concerning the MSM press.

1 They will continue to be good little campaign reporters and eagerly await their 'grades' (read: access) bestowed by the campaign.

2 People will continue to ignore them and their manufactured news: puff pieces for the favored; 'scandals' and hard questions for those who disagree with them.

3 People will continue to mistrust the MSM, with good reason. That includes every arrogant pronouncement on those doing stories the MSM press sniffs at.

4 Would-be viewers will continue to gravitate toward those working at journalism, whether it's practiced by blogs or the National Enquirer.

By 2012, people will sign onto the Internet for their news and the only ones getting their information from TV news shows will be that small group of viewers the MSM press despises: those with little education and critical reasoning skills.

In other words, the Jerry Springer faithful.

John Edwards-Rielle Hunter LOVE CHILD LIBRARY
Over 28 DBKP stories and videos since the story first broke on November 19, 2007 by the National Enquirer.

by Mondoreb
image: dnc, national enquirer
* Emails may Reveal John Edwards Had Affair
* DBKP John Edwards Love Child Scandal Library
* Who's Guilty of Campaign Dirty Tricks
* Comfort the Afflicted...


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