Thursday, August 30, 2007

Saudi Religious Police: AND THE WIND CRIED MARY...

by Little Baby Ginn

I’m sitting here in my little skirt reading an article from Down Under. Australia held a “religious” art contest, the “Blake” prize, where two of the entries were a statue of the Virgin Mary covered by a burqa and picture of Osama Bin Laden depicting a holographic image of Jesus.

The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils President Ikebal Patel said the statue was “not at all offensive” because the Virgin Mary and Jesus were revered figures in Islam.

“So [Mary wearing a burqa] is no different to how our mothers and sisters are expected to be modest in their dressing,” Patel said.

(Pooja)--Gaza Dec 3 2006: Not in veil means immodesty

I guess, Taliban style regime is not far away from now in the Gaza strip.
Recently some anonymous group who personify itself the Just Swords of Islam has come out with a warning to the native women folk, which asserts that they are not suppose to go against the norms and traditions of Islam and so are not to be dressed in an ‘immodest’ manner.
The ‘immodest’ manner targets to not wearing of the ‘burqa’. They reveled that last week they threw acid on a girl’s
face who was not in the ‘hizab’. Addressing to the girls, they said, ‘We will have no mercy on any woman who violates the traditions of Islam and who also hang out in Internet cafes’.
They openly accepted the responsibility for attacks on 12 Internet cafes over the past few days and on a number of music shops in different parts of the Gaza Strip with the help of rocket propelled grenades.
They did so because it was ‘distracting an entire generation of Palestinians from their duty to worship [Allah] and jihad so that they could serve their Zionist masters and the Crusaders’.

(BBC)--Saudi Arabia March 15, 2007: 15 Saudi Girls Burned to Death

Saudi Arabia's religious police stopped 15 schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi

Is Mr. Patel inferring that Mary is “immodest” in her regular “statue” garb?

I wonder, just how did Mary and Jesus end up in the Koran? I also wonder
if we took old Mo (Mohammed) and changed his status to say, from prophet to
Second Tier Angel, what would the Imams say? I bet it wouldn’t be pretty.

Read more: That's Osama Art Contraversy - Bigger, Better!
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