Thursday, September 13, 2007

PUTIN, NYET! BABIES, YES! Russian Governor Says All Sex and No Play is Not Bad

Now THIS is my idea of a government program!

Sergei Morozov, the governor of Ulyanovsk region in Russia, declared the day to be a "family contact day" and encouraged couples to have sex instead of working. The whole scheme is part of a wider aim to improve population growth in the Soviet Union. If a day off work was not enough to tempt people then prizes for people who give birth nine months later on Russia's national day – June 12th – include cars and televisions.

If Russia's steep population decline continues, Yemen will have a bigger population than Russia in another 33 years.

Read entire WEIRD WORLD update.

by Mondoreb - Bigger, Better!.
Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

1 comment:

  1. The Russkie population problem stems from the fact that all their women now look like oil field workers.

    All the good looking Russian women have come to the good old USA.

    Right, Trigger girlie?



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