This weekend, the news was that Presidential candidate Bill Richardson was demanding answers about the Roswell incident of decades past. Now a judge wants information released about an incident that happened outside of Pittsburgh. First, the lowdown on Richardson from Weasel Zippers:
ROUND ROCK, Texas — If he wins his bid for the White House, Democratic presidential candidate Bill Richardson may be just the man to get to the bottom of the 60-year-old Roswell UFO mystery.WZ comments: A Richardson-Kucinich ticket would lock up the tinfoil hat vote...
Answering questions at a townhall meeting Friday, a Dell employee asked Richardson about the 1947 incident in which many people still believe a flying saucer landed near the eastern New Mexico town.
"I've been in government a long time, I've been in the cabinet, I've been in the Congress and I've always felt that the government doesn't tell the truth as much as it should on a lot of issues," said Richardson, who is governor of New Mexico.
"When I was in Congress I said (to the) Department of Defense ... 'What is the data? What is the data you have?' "
He was told that the records were classified.
"That ticked me off," he said, as the crowd laughed.

Now, there's news that about a UFO incident outside of Pittsburgh in the 1960s. It's back in the news as a journalist gets involved to get to the bottom of a curious event that happened over 40 years ago. More on the Pennsylvania UFO matter, as it now stands, from Penn Live:
NASA has agreed to search its archives once again for documents on a 1965 UFO incident in Pennsylvania, a step the space agency fought in federal court.The locals know what they saw.
The government has refused to open its files about what, if anything, moved across the sky and crashed in the woods near Kecksburg, Pa., 40 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.
Traffic was tied up in the area as curiosity seekers drove to the area, only to be kept away from the crash site by soldiers.
Eyewitnesses said a flatbed truck drove away a large object shaped like an acorn and about the size of a Volkswagen bus. A mock-up based on the descriptions of local residents sits behind the Kecksburg Volunteer Fire Department.A judge entered the fray on the side of Kean and the public's right to know.
UFO enthusiasts refused to let the matter die and journalist Leslie Kean of New York City sued NASA four years ago for information.
"This is about the public's right to know," Kean said. "We would be doing this lawsuit regardless of whether UFO groups were interested in it or not. It's a freeodm of information issue."So maybe Bill Richardson is right: we may not be alone. And the U.S. Government may or may not know that.
The agency has turned over several stacks of documents which Kean says are not responsive to the request, an argument that U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan agreed with.
In March, Sullivan rejected NASA's request to throw the case out of court, resulting in negotiations that led to the agency promising last week that it will conduct a more comprehensive search.
We may all soon know what they know.
by Mondoreb

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