Sunday, October 7, 2007

Carnival of the Insanities:

Our Crew Fits Right In!

by Mondoreb

Dr. Pat Sanity over at
Carnival of the Insanities runs a fun site. Each Sunday, she highlights bizarre things from all over the Internet. As she puts it:
Time for the weekly insanity update, where the insane, the bizarre, the ridiculous, and the completely absurd are highlighted for all to see! This has been a week of rare idiocy (as always!). So, if you want to remain sane, the best thing is to poke some fun at the more egregious absurdities.
The reason it's mentioned is that Death by 1000 Papercuts has been submitting over there the last several weeks and included in this week's edition is Papercuts' very own RidesAPaleHorse. RAPH got a shout-out for his suggested new strategy in the War on Terror: We're kinda hoping that they don't catch Osama this way, as RAPH will probably get some fancy government job and a new car out of the deal and leave the hallowed halls of Papercut-dom. Congrats!

And last week, Little Baby Ginn's El Senor Dictator got a shout-out as well:
[click on strip to enlarge]
If you're wondering what to do with a few minutes of spare time, wander over to The Carnival of the Insanities and check out all the weird and bizzare offering of this week. And if you see LBG and RAPH, give 'em the old high five!

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