Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Even Closer to the Brink: The New York Times Syndrome


by Mondoreb


The Turks move troops toward the border to deal with the PKK out of Iraq. This is a problem, but you just knew how the New York Times, ever the optimist, would handle the story.
1-It was Bush's fault; 2-The news out of Iraq is terrible; and, 3-It was Bush's fault. All that in the lead paragraph and then a bit of concern over what it all might mean.
The news out of Iraq just keeps getting worse. Now Turkey is threatening to send troops across the border to wipe out Kurdish rebel bases, after guerrillas killed at least a dozen Turkish soldiers. This latest crisis should have come as no surprise. But it is one more widely predicted problem the Bush administration failed to plan for before its misguided invasion — and one more problem it urgently needs to deal with as part of a swift and orderly exit from Iraq.
Wake Up America makes a good point about the Times' rigid adherence to their political agenda and their bottom line.
Previously we showed how the second biggest shareholder in the NYT dumped all their shares, we showed graphs of the last 2 and 5 yrs, showing their advertisers and readership going down the proverbial toilet as well as their paid service Times Select making so little they had to start offering it for free.

It is not only how they report the news or their refusal to report any news that doesn't fit their political agenda, but their lousy writers in the opinion section aka editorials.
Their subscribers and ex-readers have already voted on the Times' methods; perhaps the Time's stockholders are now doing the same.

This reporting of every problem as a fault of President Bush is one sign of the Times. Maybe it's a sort of NY Times Syndrome. On the subject of Iraq, the Times would spin the sudden discovery of an Iraqi Fountain of Youth into an insidious Bush plot to rid the world of old people.
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