[photo: jtf.org]
Hat Tip: Pat
Our Daily Look at Muslims on the Rampage. Today the country is [spinning the wheel of misfortune]: Nigeria. Two reports of 9-10 Christians killed and nine churches burned.
What was the Christians' offense?
From All Africa:
GENERAL Secretary of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Mr Samuel Salifu has condemned the killing of Christians in Tudun Dankande local government area of Kano State.
Salifu who spoke with newsmen in Kaduna weekend said that reports reaching him from Kano state said there was trouble in Tudun Dankande local government area of the state Friday where nine Christians, including a youth corper serving in the area were killed and their property destroyed over an internet cartoon said to have emanated from a 20-year-old Muslim boy from Bangladesh.Christian and Muslim leaders had been meeting to try and find peaceful ways to co-exist. The results of the meetings can be termed "disappointing", at best. Salifu continues.
"Information available to me is that almost all the churches within that local government area have been razed down and shops belonging to Christians had also been burnt including their houses. We have been told that they have been ejected and their property brought down and burnt.
"The information given was that they saw a cartoon on the internet and they discovered that this cartoon was drawn by a 20-year-old Muslim boy from Bangladesh and they decided to visit their anger on innocent Christians and their churches.The Nigerian government has taken some steps in the past to prevent such violence, but Sulafi urged them to do more. He said Christian patience is not endless.
"I have been told that nine people including a youth corper are confirmed dead and several others injured while the local government in a desperate attempt to cover the dastardly act pretended to be taking the victims to the hospital while in reality they sent some of the victims to Bauchi and some other places around so that people will not go there and see the number of destitutes or refugees caused by this incident.
"They cannot control their anger, they take knives and slaughter. When you tell them what they are doing is wrong, they will turn round and start to kill. Very soon, there would be a lot of blood shed unless they stop this nonsense because the church is getting fed up.As with many stories of rampaging Muslims throughout the world, it will be interesting to see if this story gets any Western mainstream press coverage. Or any coverage at all.
More news on this at:
Reaction by Pat:A Bengali cartoonist draws something that is found offensive to some Muslims. Nigerian Muslims cannot control their rage. So they burn every Christian Church in the district and slaughter nine Christians to appease the slight on their religion. This is classic cult behavior.
Muslims are taught that there are no moral consequences to killing Christians (and in Nigeria, no legal consequences as well). Muslims knows that it is not only OK to kill infidels, it is heroic. Until the West understands this, it does not grasp the enormity of the "Muslim Problem".

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