by Mondoreb
Sometimes, a six-pack just isn't enough. And tragic consequences can result. It's hard to think of a college prank gone bad.
From the Mirror:. And just what are the legal consequences of helping out on a fatal alcohol enema?
A man who was addicted to alcoholic enemas died after having one based on sherry.
Texan Michael Warner, 58, died of alcoholic poisoning with a level of 0.47%, almost six times the state's legal limit of .08%
His wife, Tammy Jean Warner, 45, was charged with manslaughter after administering the enema for her hubby but the case was dismissed because of insufficient evidence.Another case of an addict dying needlessly. A new front in the War on Drugs?
She claimed that her husband was addicted to enemas and often used alcohol in them to get drunk.

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