Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Students Protest Gun-Free Zones
on College Campuses Around USA

[photo: Columbus Dispatch]

by Mondoreb & Little Baby Ginn

"You can have my textbook and my gun, when you can pry them from my cold dead fingers." That might be the slogan of activists who are protesting gun-free zones on college campuses across the the USA this week.
More from the Columbus Dispatch:
It's what Evan Peck didn't carry around the Ohio State campus that he wanted people to notice yesterday.

Peck, 21, walked to his classes wearing an empty gun holster on his waist.

"You can carry (a gun) in several places, but Ohio prohibits you from carrying at a university or college," said Peck, a senior majoring in math and sociology.

"But this campus is the one place where I spend the most of my time, and I should be able to protect myself."

This week, students across the country -- including about 15 members of the OSU pistol club -- are wearing empty holsters to spark conversations about concealed-carry rules.
After the Virginia Tech shootings, stories began to come out in the press about similar incidents where the gunmen were taken down by students with weapons allowed under concealed-carry laws. Now more students want to feel safer.

Going to class doesn't mean surrendering your gun rights at the door.


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