Monday, October 8, 2007

Watch Out For Dept:.

Hamsters On Viagra

by Mondoreb

In Texas, they say, everything is bigger. Everything but the hamsters. You've heard of "Snakes on a Plane", now there's hamsters on Viagra.

"Hamsters on Viagra" was a major Aviation Prize winner at a faux-awards ceremony, the Ig Nobles.
WE can all rest easy in our beds, safe in the knowledge that if a hamster is given Viagra, it will accelerate his, or her, recovery from jetlag.

Mind you, it stands to reason (so to speak) that if you pump a male hamster full of Viagra, jetlag will be one of the last things on his mind.

He'll have an erection a cat couldn't scratch and will want to mount the nearest doe in sight. Hamstress is such a better word but, unfortunately, it doesn't exist.
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Just when you thought you'd figured out the true story behind that ridiculous "Hamster Dance" of a few years back.


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1 comment:

  1. Mind you, it stands to reason (so to speak) that if you pump a male hamster full of Viagra, jetlag will be one of the last things on his mind.viagra kopa


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