Maybe he should have read the Wall Street Journal first.
A man was arrested trying to pass a million dollar bill at a bank.
Police say a man tried to open an account with a $1 million bill, which does not exist. The teller refused and called police while the man started to curse at bank workers, said Aiken County Sheriff's spokesman Lt. Michael Frank.Further proof that what seemed to be a perfectly good idea--after a night of drinking with your crew down at the Jerry Springer Bar & Grill--might be lacking upon further thought.
Alexander D. Smith, 31, of Augusta, Ga., was charged with disorderly conduct and two counts of forgery, Frank said.
The second forgery charge came after investigators learned Smith bought several cartons of cigarettes from a nearby grocery store with a stolen check, Frank said.
The sad end of an obviously promising financial crime career.
Man Busted with $1 Million Bill at Bank
by Mondoreb

Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.
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