Our Hawaiian Go To Guy, Awa Puhi, has graciously sent over his fabulous recipe for Kalua Turkey. If you like golden brown, succulent, super moist epicurean delight turkey, this recipe is the one.
Kalua Turkey, With a Weber
From Awa Puhi
8-10 Pd turkey
Kosher or Hawaiian salt
3 or 4 Ti Leaves. Available at many florists.
Best Foods (Hellmans) Mayonnaise
½ cup water
Throwaway Aluminum Roasting Pan
Cooking time: 3 to 4 hours
Cooking Directions:
Start a fire using regular briquettes in a Weber or similar BBQ. Use a lot of briquettes.
Cover inside and outside of bird with a heavy layer of mayonnaise, salt and pepper. The Mayo should not be in clumps, but slathered
Stuff if desire
Snip the long ends off Ti leaves
In sturdy throwaway aluminum roasting pan throw in stems to sit bird on
Add 1/2-cup water
Place one Ti leave or so under bird, the others on top. Seal bird and leaves together tightly in roasting pan with heavy-duty foil
Move coals to each side so you cook indirectly, you will have to add 4 or so
Add coals to the fire as needed through the opening along side the grill handles. This will be about every 40 minutes, sometimes sooner, particularly at beginning.
After 2 hours add with your briquettes a wood chunk on each side, hickory, apple, or mesquite. Add the chunk with every briquette addition. Cook with Weber or grill cover closed and at least one bottom vent totally open, top vent full to partial
Open beer and drink
Cook for about 4 hours, checking at 3 or so. Reseal. Do not rely upon the popup. You should not need to add more water. If need to brown at end, cut open foil from center and give it 20 minutes with some wood chunks, Weber cover on.
When done, the bird should be golden brown, falling apart tender.
The mayo is essential. (Works in oven too) This is what will brown the bird (the egg) and keep it moist. Very simple. Half hour from start of fire to putting the bird on. Don’t let the fire die out. And keep both sides equal. The way I do it is always have 15 or so briquettes on each side, including the ones partially to fully used up.
Can't wait to fire up the grill and try out some Kalua Turkey. A big thanks to Awa Puhi!
Image: [Na Pali Coast Sunset - Brian Howell]
By Little Baby Ginn

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