The CNN Poll, how to read it:
Is the glass is half-empty or half-full?
The new CNN poll will be spun both ways. Hillary Clinton remains the leader and is the one to beat is the way CNN and others will spin it. She's on top.
But her numbers are slipping and no one else in the field has her name recognition is another spin from those who have hopes of topping Clinton. She's on her way down.
More from CNNCNN:
Clinton's path to the White House is in no way certain. Clinton was criticized for her performance during a debate last week, and her rivals for the Democratic nomination have stepped up attacks that she has equivocated on her position on Iraq, Iran and other major issues.The breakdown for the contenders. REPUBLICANS:
The Republican presidential candidates have also stepped up their attacks on the Democratic front-runner, with each suggesting that he has the best chance of stopping Clinton.
The attacks may be working. The CNN/Opinion Research polls suggests that Clinton's support has slipped from its height one month ago.
In the Republican presidential race, Giuliani continues to be the leading candidate, with the backing of 28 percent of the Republican primary voters polled. Former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee was backed by 19 percent. Sen. John McCain of Arizona was the top pick of 16 percent, and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney had 11 percent.And the numbers for the Democrat hopeful. DEMOCRATS:
Of the remaining Republican candidates, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee received 10 percent, Texas Rep. Ron Paul 5 percent, California Rep. Duncan Hunter 4 percent and Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo 3 percent.
Clinton is the top choice of 44 percent of the likely Democratic voters interviewed for the poll. Her closest rival, Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois, was the top choice of 25 percent, and former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina has 14 percent.One year to go until the 2008 elections. One long year.
All other Democratic candidates were in single digits. New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson was backed by 4 percent, Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware by 3 percent, Sen. Christopher Dodd by 2 percent, Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich by 2 percent and former Alaska Sen. Mike Gravel was at 1 percent.
And the day after the elections, you can bet that someone will start the discussion about 2012.
by Mondoreb

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