Monday, November 19, 2007

The Oreos Weren't the Only Thing
That Disappeared That Night

A precautionary tale of stoner woe from the Dayton Daily News:
A complainant reported his vehicle was stolen from the 3000 block of Cornell Drive.

He told police he was getting high in a drug house and wasn't sure how long he had been inside.

The complainant also said he didn't know if he left the keys in the vehicle or if drug dealers stole them from his location. He also stated that he's loaned his vehicle out before but not this time.
--"Man Says He Was Getting High While Car Was Stolen"
He couldn't remember how long he'd been getting high. He couldn't remember where he left his keys. He sounded like he might not be sure if he'd loaned his car to someone.

Maybe he had a car, maybe he didn't. Maybe he'd once ridden in a car and had gotten it all mixed up. Maybe he could spell "car".

The anti-drug forces now have a new poster child. That famous egg in the frying pan now has competition from an unlucky stoner from Dayton.

by Mondoreb


Death by 1000 Papercuts Front Page.

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