Shark Boy and Lava Girl came to the small screen last night to fight the forces of evil.
Naturally, it was on the Disney Channel, as Disney also made the movie.
Here's the movie in a nutshell: Taylor Lautner stars. A 10-year-old and his imaginary friends try to save a distant planet from the forces of darkness. (PG)
It's also a hot DVD out right now--and one for the kids: The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl, by the same people who were responsible for "Spy Kids", Disney. The DVD's release is highly-expected and comes with those 3-D glasses that were briefly popular in the 1950s.
Shark Boy and Lava Girl Free Wallpaper for your computer: Go to "The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl" movie website and follow the instructions.
Samples of some of the free downloads are in this story.

[Click on pictures to enlarge them.
Other freebies are also available at the site, as well as pictures, movie trailers to watch, and information on DVD--both the regular and 3-D versions.

Robert Rodriguez is the writer and director and everything else you would want to know about the movie can be found over at the International Movie Data Base, IMDB for short.

If you've seen it, apparently you (or your kids) want to see it again.
If you haven't seen it, apparently your kids have talked you into buying it. Now you can have their buddies over for a screening and have the whole house full of chidren.
One good thing: they'll be riveted. The movie's chocked full of action, colors and twists and turns that should keep even the most active of kids entertained.
by Mondoreb

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