The Nationalist Movement will march at Jena to protest both the Jena Six and Martin Luther King. The planned march has already sparked reaction and is sure to spark even more as news of it spreads.
Al Sharpton plans to lead another march the same day to draw attention to hate crimes. No word yet to the Sharpton reaction to the counter-march.
It will be another case of "free speech" and the right to march vs. the message the Nationalist Movement promotes. Both sides are lining up for the battle. More on the march and black reaction from BET:
The Nationalist Movement says it will bring its “tools for empowerment to Louisiana to defeat the demands of Al Sharpton."It's refreshing to see the NM message labeled as "outdated" and "just plain foolish" by a major black media outlet. Those are down-to-earth, common sense labels with which both black and white can identify.
This public event, called “No to Jena 6, No to King,” will feature a two-mile parade, speeches, ceremonies and petitions "as a centerpiece to abolish King Day," said the release.
[BET] users were up in arms over the group’s plans to march in the same town where tens of thousands of people came out to support the “Jena Six” in September.
But users were divided over whether the group has the right to march.
Although many users agreed that the message of the Nationalist Movement is racist, outdated and just plain foolish, they felt that marching is their American right.
The right of disagreeable speech is one that is embedded in the Constitution. Blacks of 50 years ago remember that they were the ones whose speeches and marches were labeled by many as "disagreeable". Now it is the Nationalist Movement.
BET has exactly the right tone. Outrage? Anger? Screams?
Only sad bemusement for a sad message.
by Mondoreb & Little Baby Ginn

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