Dog the Bounty Hunter:
Dog's Son Punk Sold Info to Tabloids Before
Dog's Son May Be Guilty of Violating Taping Private Conversations Law
The Dog story keeps getting more bizarre. Gloss Lip and TMZ report that Duane "Dog" Chapman's son, Tucker, had sold information about his father to the tabloids before the tape incident.
It's also been reported that his son probably violated Hawaii state law by taping the conversation and releasing it in the first place.
Startling news from TMZ and Glosslip:
It would seem that Duane “Dog” Chapman’s son Tucker has a bit of a chip on his shoulder about his famous bounty hunter dad…because this isn’t the first time he’s sold information about his dad to the tabloids:Tucker violated the law in taping the conversation and then releasing it for money? More on this development.
Meanwhile, a source tells TMZ that the revelation that Dog’s son Tucker was the one who sold his father’s rant to the National Enquirer isn’t so shocking — given that he’s done it before. We’re told that just a few months back, Tucker was paid by the tabloid for a story about his dad disappearing.
Tucker seems to be upset with his father because Dog disapproves of his girlfriend, who happens to be black:
Attorney Brook Hart told The Associated Press that Chapman’s son, Tucker, sent the recording to the tabloid for “a lot of money.”
“I guess because of whatever level of anger he had of his father, he felt the need to express it in that manner,” Hart said. […]
In the conversation, Chapman urges Tucker to break up with his girlfriend. He also expresses concern about the girlfriend trying to tape and go public about the TV star’s use of the N-word.
In a statement, the 54-year-old Chapman said he has “utmost respect and aloha for black people who have suffered so much due to racial discrimination and acts of hatred.
“I did not mean to add yet another slap in the face to an entire race of people who have brought so many gifts to this world,” he said. “I am ashamed of myself and I pledge to do whatever I can to repair this damage I have caused.”
Hart said his client is not a racist and vowed never to use the word again.
“I have never seen anything that suggests he judges people by the color of their skin or racial background or anything but on their character,” he said. “Duane lost his composure and made very, very inappropriate remarks, for which he truly regrets.”
Chapman said he was “disappointed in his choice of a friend, not due to her race, but her character. However, I should have never used that term.”
From what I’ve read about the incident, and heard on the recording, it isn’t the fact that the girl is black that upset Dog…it was her questionable character. He seemed to be under the impression that Tucker could have chosen more wisely in his choice of companion, considering the family profession. And you know what? He’s right. When you’re in that sort of job, you do need to be very careful about the company you keep.
It also seems that Tucker, 23, has just been released from prison after serving time on a 20-year drug charge. Perhaps he needs to take a closer look at his choice of friends.
The statute is a bit confusing. (Or maybe it’s just been too long since I’ve practiced law.) But from what I can tell, Tucker might have a problem. The Code seems to say that someone who records a phone conversation without the permission of both parties is criminally liable. On the other hand, the Code’s commentary says: “If one of the parties to the communication authorizes its interception or recordation (e.g., in an attempt to trace obscene or extortionary telephone calls), criminal sanctions ought not to result.”More sad news for the Dog family. Meanwhile, the door might be left open for the Dog The Bounty Hunter Show to return to TV.
Al Sharpton Responds to Dog
For audio and video tapes, as well as a total recap on the whole n-word story and news about the possible return of the Bounty Hunter to TV:
Door Open for Dog the Bounty Hunter's TV Return?

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