The latest on the John Edwards Love Child Sex Scandal story from the National Enquirer.
What's new about the presidential candidate's supposed love child and the campaign video-producing mother?
* A picture of Rielle, very pregnant, is displayed on the Enquirer website. In the picture, Rielle Hunter doesn't seem to notice the presence of a photographer. She does, however, appears to be in a hurry.
* Rielle Hunter was placed in a rental home in the Governor's Club, the same gated community that Andrew Young (not the former U.N. ambassador) has a multi-million dollar home.
* Young is Edwards' former "North Carolina Finance Director".
* The home Hunter is living in, is owned by an Edwards' backer and is less than five miles from Edwards' national campaign headquarters in Chapel Hill, N.C.
* Someone is quoted saying that "Young is a friend of Hunter" and nothing more. Although at this point, he seems to be her chaperon.
* The question is raised about why Young, whom Edwards' campaign insists is the father, would place his mistress in the same locale as his wife and kids.
Maybe Young is not very experienced in the cheating husband role.
These facts are interspersed throughout the story that has been emerging on the Enquirer's website and in the pages of its tabloid.
Expect more news and bigger news later this evening or early tomorrow morning. That's when new Enquirers will be hitting many locations for sale.
The updated material from the National Enquirer.
The ENQUIRER has confirmed that Young placed Rielle in a rental home in the Governors Club, the same gated community where he lives in a multimillion-dollar home with his wife Cheri and their young children. That home is owned by an Edwards' backer and is less than five miles from Edwards' national campaign headquarters in Chapel Hill, N.C.
A former "Director of Operations" for Edwards' campaign, Young's last official position with the campaign was "North Carolina Finance Director." He left that job about a month ago - about the same time Rielle settled in Chapel Hill.
A source close to Young vehemently denies that he funneled campaign money to Rielle - who drives a BMW SUV registered in Young's name.
Instead, Rielle has been telling a confidante that Edwards is the father of her child.
“Rielle told me while Andrew Young is a friend, she’s not romantically involved with him,” says the source close to Rielle. “Rielle says he’s been responsible for finding her a place to live and even getting her a car to drive.
“If he really were the father of her baby and had engaged in an extramarital affair with her, I doubt seriously that he’d bring his wife and kids over to her house for dinner – which Rielle told me he did a few weeks ago.
“Rielle has said from the beginning that the baby is John’s, but she appears willing to do whatever they want her to do to protect his candidacy.
The question remains: will the John Edwards campaign answer any questions?
Will the traditional media ask any?
Is the Edwards' campaign hoping that this will blow over and they can continue to campaign in Iowa without any distractions?
Will Edwards or any of his staff take time off from the campaign to see Rielle Hunter when she goes to the hospital?
This is not all that we will learn on this matter.
Surely, some interest has been piqued in the traditional media. Surely, someone will want to know who paid for all these perks for Hunter and where the money came from.
Surely, someone will be curious about the living arrangements that an Edwards' campaign member set up for the former "hard-partying girl".
by Mondoreb
[image: nationalenquirer]
Source: UPDATE, John Edwards Love Child Scandal

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