Friday, December 14, 2007

Look! Up in the Sky! It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's Hill-A-Copter!

You gotta give her credit--Hillary's not letting her fall in the polls get her down.

The former First Lady takes to the air in an effort to bolster her sagging ratings in Iowa.
It's a bird. It's a plane. It's a Hill-A-Copter!

Or so the Clinton camp has branded a helicopter that the candidate will fly around in during her "Every County Counts Tour" across Iowa, beginning Sunday.

Campaign staffers are calling the tour a five-day blitz across Iowa's 99 counties, but Clinton herself will only appear in 12. Husband/President Bill and "others" will hit the remaining 87 checkerboard jurisdictions that make up the Hawkeye State.

“In the final days before the Iowa caucuses, I want to tap into that spirit so that every voice is heard on caucus night for universal health care, a stronger economy and an end to the war in Iraq,” Candidate Clinton said last night in Iowa, according to a press release.
This is exciting. Almost like the "Perils of Pauline".

Will the Hill-A-Copter work?

Will Hillary rescue her sinking campaign ship using the power of a heavier than air device?

Tune in next month for the answers!

by Mondoreb
[graphic: RidesAPaleHorse]
hat tip: RAPH
Source: Hillary Clinton Set to Whir Across Iowa


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