Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Seven Hillary Clinton Iowa Quotes

Clinton Thoughts From An Iowa Livestock Auction Barn

"I know you're going to inspect me. You can look inside my mouth if you want."


"I've been to cattle barns before and sales before, in Arkansas, but I've never felt like I was the one that was being bid on."

"I know you're going to inspect me. You can look inside my mouth if you want. I hope by the end of my time with you I can make the case for my candidacy and to ask you to consider caucusing for me."

"I could not be more pumped up."

"It all comes down to one question: who is ready and able to make the changes we need on Day One in the White House."

"We are ready for a new beginning."

"Countries that deny women their rights are often countries we have problems with, aren't they?"

"Who would I leave out? Who would get to decide?"
--On Health Care on the House

Standing atop a stage in a livestock auction barn, Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton likened the experience to her quest to woo undecided voters in the closing days before Iowa's pivotal caucuses.

Next month, Iowa Democrats will decide.

by Mondoreb
[image: RidesAPaleHorse]
story idea: RAPH
Source: Clinton Invites Voters to Inspect Her


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