Bengal Tiger Shot in Dallas
Another Tiger in Harlem
Urban American Safari?
Another Tiger in Harlem
Urban American Safari?

The deadly tiger attack at the San Francisco Zoo a few days ago was a tragedy.
Another tragedy either occurred or was prevented on Christmas Day, depending upon your point of view.
This time it was in Dallas, TX.
The body of a female tiger was found shot to death near an apartment complex. Officials at the Dallas Zoo were notified and a veterinarian performed a necropsy on the tiger yesterday.
This reminded at least one person of the story of a tiger found in a Harlem apartment a little over 4 years ago.
You can read of the San Francisco Tiger attacks and the Dallas tiger elsewhere at DBKP.
* Deadly Tiger Attack at San Francisco Zoo
And you can read about the controversy over how high the zoo walls were and how high tigers can jump.
* Killer Tiger - San Fran Zoo Wall 12.5 Feet, Tigers Can Leap 30 Feet
And you can read about the full story about the tiger in Dallas
* Full Grown Bengal Tiger Found Shot to Death in Dallas
Here's the story of a tiger found in Harlem.
From CNN back in October of 2003.
A man who kept a 400- to 500-pound Bengal tiger and a 3-foot alligator as roommates in his Harlem apartment was in custody Sunday, charged with reckless endangerment, police said.
Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said the tale began Wednesday, when police officers responded to a call of a dog bite at the 19-story public housing apartment building. They found Antoine Yates, 31, in the lobby, with injuries to his right arm and right leg that he told police had been caused by a pit bull, Kelly said.
Yates was taken to Harlem Hospital, where he was admitted for treatment.
Thursday, an anonymous caller told police that "someplace in the city, there was a large wild animal," Kelly said. "There was a large wild animal who was biting people."
The tipster called back Friday night, saying that the "wild animal" was at Yates' apartment, Kelly said.
When police returned Saturday to the apartment building to investigate, a resident told them the tenants included a tiger. Yates -- who had checked himself out of the hospital -- was nowhere to be found.
Police talked with a neighbor who said the man in the apartment owned a tiger. A fourth-floor resident complained that urine had seeped through her ceiling from Yates' apartment, Kelly said.

If you have ever complained about how tiny your NYC apartment is, think about the poor, poor 400 pound tiger cooped up in a Harlem apartment building. Police removed the 400 Bengal-Siberian tiger, Ming, from the apartment of Antoine Yates yesterday, calling in a police officer who needed to be rappelled down the building, in order to shoot the tiger with a tranquilizer gun. Also found in the apartment: A caiman alligator named Al. Officer Martin Duffy said the tiger charged at him, breaking the glass of the window: "I have to say I got a little nervous � I'm not going to lie." But he successfully darted Ming, who was later carried out by many people, from places like the NYPD, Bronx Zoo, Nassau County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty and Animals and the Center for Animal Care and Control.
FAST FACTS about the HARLEM TIGER - A neighbor complained to the Housing Authority about "tiger urine" leaking from Yates' apartment; the HA knew of the complaint, but claimed not to know it was from a tiger. [Daily News] - A second tiger, some bear cubs, two Rottweilers, rabbits and a tarantula also lived there at the time. [DN] - Ming was fed "a couple of chickens" - Officials are trying to figure out how Yates got a tiger cub in the first place. [Times] - Yates loves animals; brother Aaron: "He raised a healthy tiger. They should find him a job with animals." - Mayor Bloomberg: "Tigers are dangerous animals." - Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly: "This is clearly a first. This is an 'Only in New York' story." - Neighbor:"I think it's crazy for you to have something like that. This is not upstate; it's not a zoo.� [NY1] - Yates: "I am trying to create a Garden of Eden, something this world lacks." [NY Post] |
Urbanized tigers aren't good for the tiger or the people they happen to meet on the street. What seems to be a good idea after a few beers down at the bar one night ("Hey, wouldn't it be cool to have a tiger on a leash?") isn't such a good idea after the beer quits talking.
Tragedy in San Francisco at a place where the tigers were authorized to be. Tragedy averted in Dallas and Harlem.
These aren't the only urbanized tigers in the U.S.A.
by Mondoreb
notes: Little Baby Ginn
* Tiger Found Shot to Death in Dallas
* Tiger, Gator Removed from Harlem Apartment
* Tiger, Tiger

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