In 1832, John C. Calhoun became the first vice president of the United States to resign, stepping down over differences with President Jackson.
1n 2006, in Somalia, troops of the U.N.-backed interim government rolled into Mogadishu unopposed, putting an end to six months of domination of the capital by a radical Islamic movement.
In 2006, President Bush worked nearly three hours at his Texas ranch to design a new U.S. policy in Iraq.
In 2002, the U.N. nuclear watchdog decided to pull its inspectors out of North Korea by New Year's Eve, a step demanded by the North.
In 1846, Iowa became the 29th state to be admitted to the Union.
In 1945, Congress officially recognized the Pledge of Allegiance.
In 2006, Saddam Hussein's lawyer made a last-ditch effort to impede his client's execution.
In 1997, one woman was killed, more than 100 other people hurt, when a United Airlines jumbo jet en route from Narita, Japan, to Honolulu encountered severe turbulence over the Pacific.
In 1987, the bodies of 14 relatives of Ronald Gene Simmons were found at his home near Dover, Ark., following a shooting rampage by Simmons in Russellville that claimed two other lives. (Simmons was later executed.)
In 1982, Nevell Johnson Jr., a black man, was mortally wounded by a police officer in a Miami video arcade, setting off three days of race-related disturbances that left another man dead.
In 1897, the play "Cyrano de Bergerac," by Edmond Rostand, premiered in Paris.
In 1917, the New York Evening Mail published "A Neglected Anniversary," a facetious essay by H.L. Mencken supposedly recounting the history of bathtubs in America. (For example, Mencken "claimed" the first American bathtub made its debut in the Cincinnati home of grain dealer Adam Thompson on Dec. 20, 1842, and that the first White House bathtub was installed in 1851 at the order of President Millard Fillmore.)
In 1973, Alexander Solzhenitsyn published "Gulag Archipelago," an expose of the Soviet prison system.
In 1694, Queen Mary II of England died after more than five years of joint rule with her husband, King William III.
In 1937, composer Maurice Ravel died in Paris at age 62.
In 1856, the 28th president of the United States, Thomas Woodrow Wilson, was born in Staunton, Va.
Actor Lou Jacobi is 94. Bandleader Johnny Otis is 86. Comic book creator Stan Lee is 85. Former United Auto Workers union president Owen Bieber is 78. Actor Martin Milner is 76. Actress Dame Maggie Smith is 73. Rock singer-musician Charles Neville is 69. Rock singer-musician Edgar Winter is 61. Rock singer-musician Alex Chilton (The Box Tops; Big Star) is 57. Actor Denzel Washington is 53. Country singer Joe Diffie is 49. Country musician Mike McGuire (Shenandoah) is 49. Actor Chad McQueen is 47. Country singer-musician Marty Roe (Diamond Rio) is 47. Actor Malcolm Gets is 43. Actor Mauricio Mendoza is 38. Comedian Seth Meyers is 34. Rhythm-and-blues singer John Legend is 29. Actress Sienna Miller is 26. Actor Thomas Dekker is 20. Actress Mackenzie Rosman is 18.
Dec. 28, the 362nd day of 2007. There are three days left in the year.
compiled by Mondoreb
Source: Today in History

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