1973, the U.S. Supreme Court, in its Roe v. Wade decision, legalized abortions using a trimester approach.

2003 Opponents and supporters of abortion rights rallied on the 30th anniversary of the Supreme Court's "Roe versus Wade" ruling.
1862 Confederate government raises premium for volunteers from $10 to $20.
1917, President Woodrow Wilson pleaded for an end to war in Europe, calling for "peace without victory." (By April, however, America also was at war.)
1944, during World War II, Allied forces began landing at Anzio, Italy. Allies stopped on the beach.
1945 Burma highway reopens.
1945 Heavy US air raid on Okinawa.
1973 US, North & South Vietnam & Vietcong sign boundary accord.
1957 Mad Bomber (George P Metesky) accused of 30 explosions, arrested.
1995 Palestinian bomb attack in Beit Lid Israel, 21-22 killed.
1998 Theodore Kaczynski pleaded guilty in Sacramento, Calif., to being the Unabomber in return for a sentence of life in prison without parole.
2007 A car bombing of a predominantly Shiite commercial area in Baghdad killed 88 people.
2007 Iran announced it had barred 38 nuclear inspectors on a United Nations list from entering the country in apparent retaliation for U.N. sanctions imposed the previous month.
1817 English freighter Diana sinks off Malaysia.
1837 Earthquake in southern Syria kills thousands.
1873 Britain's SS Northfleet sinks at Dungeness England, 300 die.
1956 30 die in a train crash in Los Angeles.
1960 Coal mine of Johnburg caves-in, 417 die.
1994 5.5 earthquake strikes Sumatra.
1951 Fidel Castro ejected from a Winter League game after beaning batter.
In 1908, Katie Mulcahey became the first woman to run afoul of New York City's just-passed ban on females smoking in public. (Declaring, "No man shall dictate to me," Mulcahey served a night in jail after being unable to pay a $5 fine.)
1979 Ali Hassan Salameh [Abu Hassan], killed by car bomb; believed to have helped mastermind massacre of 1972 Munich Olympics athletes.
1964 World's largest cheese (15,723 kg) manufactured, Wisconsin.
1922, Pope Benedict XV died; he was succeeded by Pius XI.
1998 On the first full day of his visit to Cuba, Pope John Paul II celebrated Mass, preaching the message, "Be not afraid."
1992 Princess Sarah Ferguson wears paper bag over her head on airline ride.
1969 Judy Garland singer/actress (Wizard of Oz), dies at 48 of an overdose.
1987 R Budd Dwyer Pennsylvania State Treasurer, facing prison for conspiracy & perjury, shot himself to death at a televised news conference.
1879 Zulus attack British Army camp in Isandhlwana South Africa.
1510 Jews are expelled from Colmar Germany.
1941 1st mass killing of Jews in Romania.
1957 Israeli forces withdraw from the Sinai Penisula.
2003 Countering blunt talk of war by the Bush administration, France and Germany defiantly stated they were committed to a peaceful solution to the Iraq crisis.
1946 US President sets up CIA, Central Intelligence Agency.
1982 75% of North America is covered by snow.
1990 17th American Music Award Milli Vanilli.
1968, The fast-paced sketch comedy series "Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In" premiered on NBC-TV.
1972 "Emergency" with Robert Fuller premieres on NBC TV.
1814 1st Knights Templar grand encampment in US held, New York City NY.
1890 José Marti forms La Liga (Union of Cuban exiles) in New York City NY.
1895 National Association of Manufacturers organized in Cincinnati OH.
1905 (New Style calendar), thousands of demonstrating Russian workers were fired on by Imperial army troops in St. Petersburg on what became known as "Bloody Sunday."
1673 Postal service between New York & Boston inaugurated.
1939 Uranium atom 1st split, Columbia University.
1968 NBA announces it will expand to Milwaukee & Phoenix.
2003 Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Bill Mauldin, who had immortalized World War II soldiers with his characters Willie and Joe, died in Newport Beach, Calif., at age 81.
1561 Francis Bacon England, statesman/essayist (Novum Organum).
1788 Lord [George Gordon Noel] Byron England, romantic poet (Don Juan).
1875 D[avid] W Griffith movie producer/director (Birth of a Nation).
1909 Ann Sothern [Harriette Lake], North Dakota, actress (Lady in a Cage, My Mother the Car)
1934 Bill Bixby San Francisco CA, actor (Incredible Hulk, My Favorite Martian)
1934 Graham Kerr chef (Galloping Gourmet)
Former Sen. Birch Bayh, D-Ind., is 80. Actress Piper Laurie is 76. Actor Seymour Cassel is 73. Author Joseph Wambaugh is 71. Actor John Hurt is 68. Singer Steve Perry is 59. Country singer-musician Teddy Gentry (Alabama) is 56. Movie director Jim Jarmusch is 55. Hockey Hall-of-Famer Mike Bossy is 51. Actress Linda Blair is 49. Actress Diane Lane is 43. Actor-rap DJ Jazzy Jeff is 43. Country singer Regina Nicks (Regina Regina) is 43. Rhythm-and-blues singer Marc Gay (Shai) is 39. Actor Gabriel Macht is 36. Actor Balthazar Getty is 33. Actor Christopher Kennedy Masterson is 28. Pop singer Willa Ford is 27. Rhythm-and-blues singer Kelton Kessee (IMX) is 27. Actress Beverley (cq) Mitchell is 27. Rock singer-musician Ben Moody is 27.
1901, Britain's Queen Victoria died at age 81.
1973, former President Lyndon Johnson died at age 64.
1995, Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy died at the Kennedy compound at Hyannis Port, Mass., at age 104.
January 22, the 22nd day of 2008. There are 344 days left in the year.
compiled by Mondoreb
* kir.com
* Today in History
* Today in History

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