Red Planet Cartoons has a good piece on the attitudes of legal immigrants concerning illegal immigration and what party they are registering for.
"Higher Fences" has a nice commentary from the Telegraph on legal immigrants--remember those?--and their wishes and dreams and hopes for their new country.
A sample:
Minutes after taking the Pledge of Allegiance, new American citizens are urged to register as voters by Democratic activists who see them as natural party supporters who could hold the key to the 2008 election.
But with increasing illegal immigration threatening the economy and security of the United States, many legal immigrants anxious to uphold the laws of their adopted country are moving towards the more hard-line immigration stance of Republicans.
This should be a "must read" for anyone suffering from the sling and arrows of being labeled a "racist" for wanting to enforce the laws and borders of the United States.
By turning a blind eye towards lawbreakers, we are also turning a blind eye on what legal immigrants want.
Good read at Red Planet Cartoons.
by Mondoreb
[image & source: Red Planet]

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