In the run-up to the New Hampshire primary this week, the Fred Thompson campaign announced another endorsement from a conservative, pro-life group.
Yesterday, Fred Thompson announced the endorsement of Citizens for Life, the New Hampshire affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee.
"Granite State voters like no-nonsense candidates who stand up for their beliefs. Fred Thompson is such a candidate," said Roger Stenson, Citizens for Life Executive Director.
"Fred Thompson had a 100% pro-life voting record as a member of the United States Senate. For all of us who care about the dignity and sanctity of human life and the most basic freedom upon which our nation was founded - the right to life - Fred Thompson is a leader of great promise."
Citizens for Life is the 14th state pro-life organization to endorse Senator Thompson for President.
"I'm blessed and honored to have the endorsement of Citizens for Life for President of the United States," said Senator Thompson.
"These folks in the Granite State are the 14th organization coast to coast that has voted to endorse my candidacy, and more likely will, because they know I have stood with them yesterday, I stand with them today, and will stand with them tomorrow. They know I have the ability to win this election. They know I believe in the sanctity of life and as President I will do all that I can to do to protect life."
The Thompson campaign also issued the following statement.
Fred Thompson is pro-life. He believes in the sanctity of human life and that every life is worthy of respect. He had a 100% pro-life voting record in the Senate and believes Roe v. Wade was a bad decision that ought to be overturned.
He consistently opposed federal funding to promote or pay for abortion and supported the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, the Child Custody Protection Act, and President Reagan's Mexico City policy. While Fred Thompson supports adult stem cell research, he opposes embryonic stem cell research. He also opposes human cloning.
As Fred Thompson got a much later start than the other candidates, organizational help from such grassroots groups as New Hampshire Right to Life most likely will come in handy in the days immediately before the New Hampshire primary.
The endorsement comes on the heels of an encouraging--some called it a "winning"--performance in the ABC News Republican debates. The Thompson effort will try to build off of both the debate performance and the pro-life endorsement.
The Atlantic's Marc Ambinder's appraisal:
On points, Fred Thompson won the debate.
Every answer was thoughtful and well-crafted; his tone matched the tone of the question; he wisely refrained from interjecting in the back and forth squabbling. He very deftly reminded viewers that he served on key Senate national security panels and is bringing his experience to bear.
Even his insults were subtly and gently constructed In some ways, Thompson did McCain’s bidding. You skeptical readers can tell me that if Thompson had finished a solid fourth in Iowa, I might not be writing about Thompson at all, that said, he's still a candidate, and his performance tonight tells me his mind is not elsewhere.
Thompson has seen a steady, late-building stream of conservative endorsements come his way.
After the campaign's late start, they'll no doubt need every one of them.
But there's a long way to go and many, many people have yet to even put "politics" on their front burner--let alone make up their minds.
A late start won't matter to that late-deciding horde of voters.
by Mondoreb
[image: msnbc]
* Thompson announces NH Pro-Life Endorsement
* GOP Debate Thoughts

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