"If there were no children on this earth, if somebody announced that all kids ere dead, I would jump off the balcony immediately. I'm done. I'm done." -Michael JacksonIn a supersly or incredibly lame marketing move softdrink giant PepsiCo plans to use a coveted "SuperBowl" slot to unveil an ad commemorating the 25th anniversary of the release of Michael Jackson's album Thriller.
According to the New York Post, SoBe Life Water, part of the PepsiCo softdrink lineup, will be the product featured with the release of Jackson's "revamped" Thriller.
It's likely the covers of the anniversary edition of the album - calledThere's also PR plans in the works to reintroduce Jackson to the public through appearances at the upcoming Grammy Awards Febuary 10th with "young" hip hop artists, Fergie, will.i.am. and Akon.
"Thriller 25" - which feature photographs of a much younger Jackson with a much darker complexion and a different facial structure, will be seen on billboards around the country.
"Young" is the operative word as Jackson's alleged fondness for "young" boys led to criminal charges then a trial and acquital by a California jury in June of 2005. Jackson was charged with one count of Conspiracy, six counts of Lewd Act Upon a Minor Child and Administering an Intoxicating Agent to Assist in a Commission of a Felony. Source - Findlaw
Jackson's behavior relating to his own children has added to the public's perception that something is "not quite right" with the aging, due to turn fifty this August, former King of Pop.
Questions and rumors of paternity and Jackson's parenting style have surrounded the pop icon's three children, Michael Joseph Jr., known as Prince, daughter Paris, and third child Prince Michael Jackson II, known as "Blanket."
“I was so anxious to get her home that after cutting the cord — I hate to say this - I snatched at her and just went home with the placenta all over her.”A brief marriage in 94' to the daughter of Elvis Presley, Lisa Marie, was followed by Jackson's second marriage in 96' to his dermatologist's nurse, the blond and bland Debbie Rowe. The marriage resulted in two of Michael's three children, Prince and Paris. Rowe and Jackson divorced in 99. Son, Prince II was born in 2002.
Source - National Review
The identity of the second's son mother has been shrouded in secrecy:
Jackson goes on to explain that his second son, known as Prince Michael II,nicknamed Blanket is the product of “a surrogate mother and my own sperm cells.” At one point, when Bashir tries to press for more details about this arrangement, Jackson cuts him off with the comment, “Women do it.” Source - National Review
Jackson's strange prediliction for sleepovers with "young" boy "friends", the origins of his children and his obsession with plastic surgery have led to the once massive superstar's decline in the pop genre. Known as the King of Pop, Jackson was heralded for his fleet and fancy footwork such as his famous "Moonwalk." He was also known for placing his hand over his crotch during concerts and videos, which were atributed to the Jackson "creative process."
Jackson's obsession with plastic surgery through the years has taken a toll on the King of Pop's facial features and the favor of his once legion of fans.

PepsiC0 seems to be gambling on the popularity of the former Michael Jackson, the King of Pop of 25 years ago, not the almost unrecognizable, about to turn 50-year-old, man whose bizarre antics of the last decade has led to a mass exodus of even his most loyal fans.
Here at DBKP we've figured the odds of another Jackson "comeback" at 75-1. And that's being generous. Even though Jackson was never convicted of being a pedophile his behavior was so over the top that the last place we'd care to see him would be his being surrounded by a new legion of underaged boy fans.
The same type of fans that once believed in Jackson and his schtick a quarter of a century ago.
We doubt "repackaging" Michael Jackson will change the public's perception of a man whose bizarre antics shocked even a jaded public.
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