I'm Trench Reynolds.
I blog about crime.
This is the DBKP Week in Crime for January 20th-26th, 2008.
I'm running late, so you get the abridged version this week.
At craigscrimelist my top story of the week was about Anne Marie Linscott who tried to hire a hitman on craigslist.
For the political minded in the crown Barack Obama has been endorsed by craigslist founder Craig Newmark. If he was smart Obama would reject that endorsement.
Slow week at CrimeNe.ws but you could change that by signing up to be a contributor.
At News of Doom the most interesting discussion broke out over a story about a Utah teen who raped a dog.
At MyCrimeSpace I posted about a chain of suicides that happened in Wales. I also took the media to task for calling the incidents a suicide cult.
At Psycho for Love the drama of former beauty queen Kumari Fulbright continues as she's been suspended from the University of Arizona law school.
At Public Enemy: Player1 I wondered how long it would take for someone to get offended over the flash game Presidential Paintball.
At Tased and Confused I posted about a man from Pennsylvania who is suing his local police for being Tased. As expected his story doesn't match with police witnesses.
At TheTrenchcoat Chronicles I posted about the benefits as trying teens as adults. Especially when the crime is gang rape.
As an added bonus I posted at my personal blog about why I think you shouldn't vote for Mike Huckabee. Yes, it is crime related.
That's it for this week. I'm Trench Reynolds and until next week I'll be on my couch watching COPS.
by Trench Reynolds
[image: Trench Reynolds]
For more crime, more Trench Reynolds, check out the Trench Network: -- http://thetrenchcoat.com http://newsofdoom.com http://trenchreynolds.com http://mycrimespace.com http://craigscrimelist.org http://crimene.ws http://psychoforlove.com http://player1.info http://tased.thetrenchcoat.com http://blog.thetrenchcoat.com |

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