1839 1st photo of the Moon (French photographer Louis Daguerre).
1492 Spain recaptures Granada from the Moors (Granada Day).
1570 Tsar Ivan the Terrible march to Novgorod begins.
1602 Spanish forces in Ireland surrender to the English at Kinsdale.
1757 British troops occupy Calcutta India.
1776 1st revolutionary flag displayed.
1861 SC seizes inactive Fort Johnson in Charleston Harbor.
1863 Battle of Murfreesboro (Stone's River) ends.
1896 Battle at Doornkop, South Africa (Boers beat Dr Jamesons troops).
1905 Japanese troops capture Port Arthur.
1942 German troops in Bardia surrender.
1942 Japanese troops occupy Manila Philippines.
1944 1st use of helicopters during warfare (British Atlantic patrol).
1945 Allied air raid on Neurenberg.
1923 Ku Klux Klan surprise attack on black residential area Rosewood FL, 8 killed. (compensation awarded in 1995).
1923 Sam Carter black resident of Rosewood FL, lynched by KKK.
1932 Young gang shoot dead 6 police in Springfield Missouri.
1989 Notre Dame beats West Virginia for college football championship.
1776 Austria ends interrogation torture.
1788 Georgia is 4th state to ratify US constitution.
1800 Free black community of Philadelphia PA petitions Congress to abolish slavery.
1831 Liberator, abolitionist newspaper, begins publishing in Boston.
1811 US Senator Thomas Pickering is 1st senator censured (revealed confidential documents communicated by the President of the US).
1905 Elara, a satellite of Jupiter, discovered by Perrine.
1936 1st electron tube to enable night vision described, St Louis MO.
1972 Mariner 9 begins mapping Mars.
1995 Most distant galaxy yet discovered found by scientists using Keck telescope in Hawaii (estimated 15 billion light years away).
1842 1st US wire suspension bridge for general traffic opens in Pennsylvania.
1879 British battleship Thunder explodes in Gulf of Ismid, 9 die.
1971 A barrier collapses at Ibrox Park football ground at end of a soccer match in Glasgow Scotland, killing 66.
1995 Bus crashes in Luzon Philippines, 29 killed.
1974 Worst fire in Argentine history destroys 1.2 million acres.
1988 Ashland Oil storage tank spills 3.8 million gallons, Pennsylvania.
1885 General Wolseley receives last distress signal of General Gordon in Khartoum.
1890 Record 19'2" alligator shot in Louisiana by E A McIlhenny.
1903 President T Roosevelt shuts down post office in Indianola MI, for refusing to accept its appointed postmistress because she was black.
1965 Martin Luther King Jr begins a drive to register black voters.
1984 Wilson Goode, sworn-in as Philadelphia's 1st black mayor.
1935 Bruno R Hauptmann trial begins for kidnap-murder of Lindbergh baby.
1979 Sid Vicious' trial for murder of girlfriend Nancy Spingen begins.
1900 E Verlinger begins manufacturing 7" single-sided records (Montréal).
1978 Rhino Records releases their 1st album "Wildmania".
1919 Anti-British uprising in Ireland.
1981 Sylvester Clarke knocks out spectator with brick, West Indies vs Pakistan.
1984 Riot in Tunis kills over 100.
1994 Battles between army & rebellious Indians in South Mexico, kill 57.
1921 1st religious service radio broadcast in US, KDKA-Pittsburgh.
1949 KDKA TV channel 2 in Pittsburgh, PA (CBS) begins broadcasting.
1934 1st state liquor stores open, in Pennsylvania.
1974 55 MPH speed limit imposed by Richard Nixon.
1998 Autopsy of Chris Farley shows he overdosed of opiates & cocaine.
1960 Senator John F Kennedy, announces his candidacy for President.
1961 Hawaii's, then all time low temperature, 14ºF recorded atop Haleakale.
1966 1st Jewish child born in Spain since 1492 expulsion.
1970 US population is 205,052,174; Black population 22,600,000 (11.1%).
1986 191.66 million shares traded in New York Stock Exchange.
1990 Dow Jones hits record 2,800 (2,810.15).
1990 Sting joins wrestlings 4 Horsemen (Flair, Arn Anderson, Ole Anderson).
1727 James Wolfe commanded British Army (captured Québec)
1861 Helen Herron Taft 1st lady (1909-13)
1863 Lucia Zarate became lightest known adult human (2.1 kg at 17)
1920 Isaac Asimov Russia, scientist/writer (I Robot, Foundation Trilogy)
1928 Dan Rostenkowski (Representative-D-IL, -94), House Ways & Means Committee chair
1932 Dabney Coleman Austin Texas, (That Girl, Mary Hartman, Buffalo Bill)
1936 Roger Miller Fort Worth TX, country singer (King of the Road, Dang Me)
1938 John Considine actor (Reginald Love-Another World)
1939 Jim Bakker televangelist (PTL Club)/philanderer (Jessica Hahn)
1952 Ricky Van Shelton Grit VA, country singer (Wild-Eyed Dream)
1964 Pernell Whitaker boxer (Olympics-gold)
1968 Cuba Gooding Jr actor (Jerry McGuire, As Good As It Gets, Boyz N the Hood, A Few Good Men)
1969 Christy Turlington San Francisco CA, model (Calvin Klein Eternity)
1904 James Longstreet Confederate General, dies at 82
1963 Dick Powell actor/director (Dick Powell Theater), dies at 58
1974 Tex Ritter country singer (5 Star Jubilee), dies at 67
1977 Erroll Garner jazz pianist (Misty), dies at 53
1990 Alan Hale Jr actor (Skipper Jonas Grumby-Gilligan's Island), dies of cancer at 71
1994 Caesar Romero actor (Joker-Batman), dies at 86
January 2, 2008, the 2nd day of the year. There are 364 days left in the year.
compiled by Mondoreb
[image: astrosurf]
Source: Today in History

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