The story from Vegas is alleged intimidation by Culinary Union representatives, forcing their members to caucus for Obama, as reported by 'outraged' blogger Taylor Marsh.
The Las Vegas Sun is reporting that the Culinary brouhaha over charges of union intimidation, allegedly forcing members to "sign pledge cards" for Obama or face exile from the caucus may not be so cut and dry or illegal.
“To hear the alleged victim tell it, it was much more of a misunderstanding.”
After speaking with several Culinary members — at the suggestion of the Clinton campaign — the Sun cannot substantiate widespread voter intimidation on the part union organizers. What is clear, however, is that Culinary organizers are pushing Obama hard in the run-up to Saturday’s Caucus. Source - Las Vegas Sun
The Sun also turned a critical eye on blogger Taylor Marsh whose Jan.16th podcast "interview" with a Vegas culinary worker 'exposed' the sordid story of Union reps twisting member's arms by way of threats to caucus for Obama or "don't caucus at all."
From the Jan. 16 podcast Taylor Marsh interview with 'unnamed' culinary union member:
Union Member: The Rep told us "if you're not going to vote for Obama then you're not going to go to the caucus.
Marsh: This is stunning!
The Sun reported that they attempted to contact Taylor Marsh and that Ms. Marsh did not respond to their email request for an interview.
Here is a list of questions the Sun wanted to ask Marsh:
1) Marsh did not identify the eyewitness to the Paris incident as a Clinton supporter. Why not?The Sun has some excellent questions for Ms. Marsh, but then again, is Ms. Marsh a bonafide reporter herself, or merely a cockeyed Clinton optimist, who doesn't feel it's anyone's business who helps pay her bills.
2) Marsh did not include any interview with the actual alleged victim, Sylvia Antuna. Why not? In an interview with the Sun, Antuna said the incident may have been more misunderstanding than intimidation.
3) Did Marsh attempt to reach the Culinary Union to get its response to the allegation? If not, why not?
4) Last year, Marsh accepted money from the Association of Federal, State, City and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), to blog at a Democratic event. AFSCME has endorsed Clinton and is a longtime ally of the Clinton family. Has Marsh taken payment from AFSCME recently? If so, how much?
The rest of us would consider this a "conflict of interest" or in the same realm as Media Matters, another example of Clinton "sponsored" media.
Image - Demotivator
Source - Las Vegas Sun
Source - taylormarsh

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