A round-up of Global Warming News.
From New Mexico:
Time to dust off the mukluks.
This week's frigidly cold temperatures — well below freezing and dipping below zero with wind chill factored in — are cause for plenty of teeth-chattering concern for local residents.
Don't forget during the next few days to bundle yourself and your children in layers, keep hats and gloves handy and bring pets in at night.
It's cold, and it's going to stay that way for a few days.
"It's not unusual, but we will come close to record temperatures," said National Weather Service Senior Meteorologist Dan Porter from the Albuquerque office. "People here are sure not used to below-zero temperatures."
The National Weather Service Albuquerque office confirms the mercury dipped well below the old record low temperature of 3 degrees in the Farmington area this morning.
Meteorologist/Forecaster Mark Fettig said the temperature of minus 6 is unofficial until it's double-checked at 11 a.m. this morning — standard procedure for the weather service.
And, in Bulgaria:
Recent heavy snowfalls and temperatures as low as minus 30 degrees Celsius claimed yet another life in Bulgaria, taking the cold snap death toll up to seven.
Back to the United States, this time for South Carolina.
The coldest air of the season is here with near record low temperatures expected Thursday morning for both the Pee Dee and Grand Strand. Find out how cold it will get and when it may warm up inside.
And to Texas:
In honor of tonight's forecasted record-setting low temperature (26 F), the kids and I are going to be trying out this recipe that I found in the Dallas Morning News:
Texas Snowflakes
12 large flour tortillas
1/2 stick butter, melted
1/2 cup cinnamon sugar
Agreed, this is only anecdotal evidence.
But it's the only anecdotal evidence we have at the moment.
The man-made climate change crisis continues.
by Mondoreb
[image: peoplescube]
* In the deep freeze: Region battling brutally cold temperatures
* Breaking news: Area sets new record at -6 degrees
* Record Low Temperatures Kill One More in Bulgaria
* Wintry Weather Expected
* Texas Snowflakes

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